【战锤40K·机械之灵】LEX翻译:突击炮 原地址:https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Assault_cannon 突击炮,Assault cannon 突击炮是一种重型自动杀伤武器,由身着终结者盔甲的星际战士所使用。 帝国阿斯塔特的突击炮 说明 它最显著的特点是其难以置信的高射速,轻而易举的超过了它所代替的自动炮。突击炮是一种中等...
【战锤40K·机械之灵】LEX翻译:突击炮 原地址:https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Assault_cannon 突击炮,Assault cannon 突击炮是一种重型自动杀伤武器,由身着终结者盔甲的星际战士所使用。 帝国阿斯塔特的突击炮 说明 它最显著的特点是其难以置信的高射速,轻而易举的超过了它所代替的自动炮。突击炮是一种中等...
"My sons, the galaxy is burning. We all bear witness to a final truth -- our way is not the way of the Imperium. You have never stood in the Emperor's light. Never worn the Imperial eagle. And you never will. You shall stand in midnight clad, your claws
The sludgy acidic river surrounding the fortress instantly dissolves those Renegades who attempt to launch an assault. Furthermore, from its position inside the walls, the Freeblade Knight Unflinching Steel fires a ceaseless hail of Rapid-Fire Battle Cannon shells into the ranks of the encroaching ...
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The size and sheer strength of a Terminator-armoured Space Marine allows him to freely move and advance even while firing the Assault Cannon without pause. Although the Assault Cannon lacks the range of other rapid-fire guns such as the Heavy Bolter and the Autocannon, its enormous rate of ...
The Raven Guard’s Assault Marines fought with renewed fervor when they saw several of their number, rendered as motionless as statues, borne off in the claws of hunchbacked Grotesques. They made little progress, for the Wracks pouring out from the minehead outnumbered them three times over. ...
Known PatternsIV-XXXVIMain ArmamentNone, AutomatedWhirlwind Launchers/Assault Cannon(Deathstorm) CrewNoneSecondary ArmamentNone Powerplant31 x FV-50-75 retro-rocketMain AmmunitionN/A Weight14 tonnesSecondary AmmunitionN/A Length5.2 mArmour WingspanN/ASuperstructure60 mm ...