40 CFR part 503中条款10至18是污泥土地利用方面规定,共同构成“Subpart B-LAND APPLICATION”,包括:适用性、术语定义、总则、污染物浓度限值、管理实践、操作标准(减少病原体及对病媒的吸引)、监测频率、记录保存、报告。其中,503.13“污染物浓度限值”是这一部分的核心内容。40 CFR part 503在1993年版本...
40CFRPart63SubpartXXXXXX406XAreaSource 系统标签: subpartsourcecfrareanaicssic 40CFRPart63,SubpartXXXXXX,(6XAreaSourceNESHAP)http://.iowadnr.gov/air/prof/NESHAP/ Backgroundofthe6Xrule Applicability◦Facilitiescoveredbyrule◦SIC/NAICScodes Examplesoftypesoffacilitiescovered◦Primarilyengaged◦Examples...
Portland Cement Maximum Achievable Control Technology - PC MACT - 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart LLL ImplementationThe United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) promulgated the Portland Cement Maximum Achievable Control Technology (PC MACT) on June 14, 1999. This paper covers the ...
electronic code of federal regulations (e-cfr) e-cfr data is current as of march 20, 2007 title 40: protection of environment part 503standards for the use or disposal of sewage sludge section contents subpart ageneral provisions 503.1 purpose and applicability. 503.2 compliance period. 503.3 ...
A written determination of con- the pilot program has expired, areas formity under section 176(c) of the Act will again be subject to all of the re- has been made by the Federal agency quirements of this subpart and 40 CFR responsible for the Federal action by part 51, subpart T, ...
083美国40CFR Part59Subpart D《建筑涂料挥发性有机化合物释放》国家标准介绍,083美国40CFR Part59Subpart D《建筑涂料挥发性有机化合物释放》国家标准介绍,083美国40CFR,Part59Subpart相关文档 化学类本科生毕业论文-《涂料中挥发性有机化合物(VOC)含量的测定》 DB11-3005-2017建筑类涂料与胶粘剂挥发性有机化合...
这里地表处置指不规范填埋。规范填埋须遵守40 CFR Part 258:CRITERIA FOR MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE LANDFILLS相关规定。 40 CFR part 503中条款20至28是地表处置方面规定,共同构成“Subpart C-SURFACE DISPOSAL”,章节设置与土地利用完全相同。其中,503.23“污染物浓度限值”是这一部分的核心内容。
美国环保法律原文 Regulations 40_CFR_51_subpart_W_CAA.pdf,Environmental Protection Agency § 51.850 (2) For programs which require pri- tion 113(c)(2), which provides for fines vate and/or public entities to establish and imprisonment of up to 2 years. em
Revisions to 40 CFR Part 2, Subpart b (Confidentiality of Business Information) - Reg DaRRT | Laws & Regulations | US EPA 来自 yosemite.epa.gov 喜欢 0 阅读量: 124 作者: US EPA, Office of the Administrator, Office of Policy and Environmental Innovation ...
Preliminary comparison with 40 CFR Part 191, Subpart B for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, December 1990 The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) is planned as the first mined geologic repository for transuranic (TRU) wastes generated by defense programs of the ... SG Bertram-Howery,M Marietta...