40 CFR Part 503全称:美国联邦法典(Code of Federal Regulations:CFR),第40卷环境保护(Title 40-Protection of Environment),第一章环境保护署(Chapter 1-ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY),第O分章污水污泥(Subchapter O-SEWAGE SLUDGE),第503部分:污水污泥利用和处置标准(Part503-STANDARDS FOR THE USE...
.doi:10.1002/ep.670170302Robert G. O'DetteJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdEnvironmental Progress
40 CFR 503 Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge.pdf 上传人:灰*** IP属地:宁夏 文档编号:31779396 上传时间:2019-12-16 格式:PDF 页数:29 大小:232.28KB 举报 版权申诉word格式文档无特别注明外均可编辑修改;预览文档经过压缩,下载后原文更清晰!立即下载 配套...
FCR 40 CFR PART 503-2015相似标准 BS PD CEN/TR 13714:2010污泥特性.与污泥使用或处置相关的管理DIN CEN/TS 13714:2013-10*DIN SPEC 19536:2013-10污泥特性 与使用或处置相关的污泥管理PD CEN/TS 13714:2013污泥的特性 与使用或处置相关的污泥管理BS PD CR 13714:2001污泥的表征 与使用或处置相关的污泥管理...
Biennial Review of 40 CFR Part 503 As Required Under the Clean Water Act Section 405 ( d )( 2 )( C )Biennial Review of 40 CFR Part 503 As Required Under the Clean Water Act Section 405 ( d )( 2 )( C )Period, Reporting
北极星水处理网讯:摘要:40 CFR Part 503是美国污泥处理处置的法律基石,也是全世界污泥领域学者研究、参考、借鉴的对象。文章介绍了40 CFR Part 503的编制背景,对土地利用、地表处置、减少病原体和对病媒的吸引、焚烧等四个部分重点内容进行了分析解读,概括总结了这个标准出台二十多年来的实施效果,并给出了中国污泥...
EHSO provides free access to the federal US environmental regulations, called "Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations", also known as 40CFR or 40 CFR, and administered by the Environmental Protection Agency, the US EPA. If you know the "Part" number, just scroll down to it. Or use...
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