型号: 1350 宽度: 1240 mm 规格:1.2*66m,或任意分切加工 PET绝缘胶带,长期耐高温130,UL认证。 Product Description3M™ 1350F Tape is an electrical insulatingpolyester film tape which meets the flameretardancy requirements of UL 510. It consists ofmaterials that are represented in many ULRecognized...
[正品]3M绝缘胶带3M 1350 多种颜色可选 价格: ¥8/平方米 产品详情:规格:1.2*66m,或任意分切加工PET绝缘胶带,长期耐高温130,UL认证。ProductDescription3M™1350FTapeisanelectricalinsul... 厚度:0.06mm 宽度:1240mm 拉伸性能:40% 透气性:0 绝缘胶相关产品报价 更多> 产品标题 价格 产地 公司名称 更新...
3M 1350-1, 1350-2 Tape 数据手册 1350-1, 1350-2 Tape Flame-Retardant Tape with Polyester Film and Acrylic Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive Data Sheet Product Description 3M™1350 Tape is an electrical insulating polyester film tape, which meets the flame-retardancy requirements of UL 510. It ...
3M1350Tapeisespeciallysuitedforapplications suchaswrappingcoils,capacitors,wireharnesses, transformers,shadedpolemotorsandfractional horsepowermotors. ULandCSAComponentRecognition ULRecognizedforuseattemperaturenotexceeding 130˚C,flameretardantperULStandard510,UL ...
#1350F 與 #1350物理特性同, 唯有#1350F符合WEEE & RoHS環保要求 Flame-Retardant Tape 1350T-1 Flame-Retardant, Triple-Layer Polyester Film Tape with Acrylic Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive 聚酯薄膜膠帶 1350T-1 丙烯酸膠黏劑 麥拉膠帶 Mylar PET Tape ...
3M™ 1350F-1 Polyester Film Electrical Tape is a 1 mil polyester film tape with acrylic adhesive, and has excellent flagging and solvent resistance. Printable and Non-Diphenyl Oxide Based Flame Retardant properties. 3M™ 1350F Tape is an electrical insulating polyester film tape whic...
3M™ 聚酯薄膜绝缘胶带 1350F是一种带有丙烯酸压敏胶的聚酯薄膜胶带,具有优良的标记性和耐溶剂性。 样品申请 获取报价 官方专卖店 咨询电话:15361850209 特点概述 在电机和变压器上实现经济型多功能层间绝缘、锚固和绑扎 边缘撕裂强度高 从形性佳、耐穿刺性以及理想的电气特性 ...
唯样商城为您提供3M设计生产的TAPE 1350FY-2, 1219MMX66MX0, 08MM 元器件,主要参数为:,TAPE 1350FY-2, 1219MMX66MX0, 08MM库存充足,购买享优惠!
3M54聚酯绝缘胶带,3M Polyester Film Electrical Tape 54 上海单良实业有限公司 10年 月均发货速度: 暂无记录 上海市宝山区 ¥3182.50 3M93005LE/93010LE/93015LE/93020LE双面聚酯胶带装饰粘接 深圳市享誉新材料有限公司 5年 月均发货速度: 暂无记录 广东 深圳市宝安区 ¥85.00 3M615s半透明热熔...