Tapes with woven cloth carriers, including gaffers tapes, cotton friction tapes. The section also includes some specific use cloth-backed tapes like duct tapes, glass cloth tapes, and foil cloth tapes.
3M ™ Glass Cloth Electrical Tape 27,3M27琉璃布胶带 复购率: 33% 10年 ¥150.0 成交0笔 上海市 现货优惠3M69#3M361/3m79#3m27玻璃纤维布高温胶带 复购率: 4年 24小时发货 ¥3401.0 成交0笔 昆山市 3m27#玻璃纤维胶带 耐高温绝缘阻燃单面胶带抗撕裂固定3m纤维胶带 复购率: 28% 1...
3M361玻璃布高温白色胶带,3M Glass Cloth Tape 361 上海单良实业有限公司10年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 上海市宝山区 ¥750.00 3M361阻燃无卤玻璃布胶带高粘加厚型耐磨纤维布阻燃电气绝缘胶布 江西吉旭新材料有限公司1年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 江西 吉安市吉州区 ...
3M Scotch 27 Glass Cloth Electrical Tape 说明书
3M 69# Glass cloth electrical tape 3M 69# glass cloth tape is a premium grade, edge tear resistant, electrical tape. This printable tape has a non corrosive adhesive and offers solvent resistant protection. It is used as a coil cover, an anchor, a banding, a core, a layer and a cross...
英文名称: 3M 398-FR Flame Retardant Glass Cloth Tape 别名: 3M 398-FR Flame Retardant Glass Cloth Tape 货号: 3M 398-FR Flame Retardant Glass Cloth Tape 分子式: 3M 398-FR Flame Retardant Glass Cloth Tape 活性使用期: 12 有效物质≥: 98 工作温度: 150 品牌: 3M 固化方式: ROOM ...
Brand/Series Glass Cloth Electrical Tape Series 3M Brand/Series Glass Cloth Electrical Tape Series Tapes Brand/Series Glass Cloth Electrical Tape Series 3M Tapes Brand/Series Glass Cloth Electrical Tape Series Color White 3M Color White Tapes Color White 3M Tapes Color White 参考...
3M™ Glass Cloth Tape 398FR has an acrylic adhesive for manyapplications requiring high adhesion, an abrasion-resistant backingand flame retardant properties. This product is typically used forsealing aircraft cargo bay panels to provide a permanentseal. 2in x 36yd Roll *BMS5-146 3in x 36yd...
3M 69 Glass Cloth Electrical Tape 产品规格/ 库存: 产品特点收藏 获取报价 暂无关联图书 商品详情3M 69 玻璃布电气胶带是一种白色玻璃布胶带,带有高温热固性硅胶粘合剂。有多种尺寸可供选择。 应用绝缘电和感应炉电源引线在高温区域保护高温、非 PSA 绝缘材料(如石棉和玻璃)保护 Scotch 77 阻燃电弧防护胶带在...