Could not initialize the graphic device.Potential solutions are: - Update your graphics drivers and retry - Change the graphics device (DirectX / OpenGL, ...) used by 3ds Max with the command line : "3dsmax.exe -h"The application will exit. or...
方法/步骤 1 Win键+R打开运行命令窗口输入cmd,点击确认 2 这样就打开了cmd窗口 3 以我自己为例,我把3dmax装在F盘 4 在cmd窗口输入f: 然后按回车键进入F盘(要用英文的冒号)5 按照文件目录,输入cd 3dmax——回车,进入文件夹 6 再输入cd 3ds max 2018——回车 7 输入3dsmax.exe -h——回车,就可以...
In addition, the error message "FTL: Virtual Device Creation Failed" may appear and the 3ds Max viewports may turn white. 3ds Max may also give an error about DirectX Hardware and the MS basic render driver: 3ds Max Graphic Device InformationWe switched au...
3ds Max Graphic Device Error 是设置错误造成的,解决方法为:1、Win键+R打开运行命令窗口输入cmd,点击确认。2、这样就打开了cmd窗口。3、在cmd窗口输入f: 然后按回车键进入F盘。4、按照文件目录,输入cd 3dmax——回车,进入文件夹。5、再输入cd 3ds max 2018——回车。4、输入3dsmax.exe -h—...
遇到3ds Max Graphic Device Error问题,通常是因为设置不正确导致的。以下是详细的解决步骤:首先,按Win+R键打开运行命令窗口,输入"cmd"并点击确认进入。在打开的命令行界面,输入"F:"并回车,进入F盘。接着,根据文件路径,输入"cd 3dmassx"并回车,接着进入3ds Max的安装文件夹。继续输入"cd ...
解决3ds Max Graphic Device Error的方法:一、重新安装显卡驱动 当遇到3ds Max报错提示关于Graphic Device Error时,首先要检查显卡驱动是否安装正确或是否过时。可以尝试卸载当前显卡驱动,然后前往显卡官网下载并安装最新版本的驱动程序。二、调整显卡设置 确保显卡设置正确,特别是与OpenGL相关的设置。可以尝试...
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3ds Max Gr..大神们,请教一下,打开2018的3dmax之后出现一个小框显示3ds Max Graphic Device Error 这个怎么办。。。再点击确认之后就退出软件了
community that is 10 years and older. this faq provides more information. options mark topic as new mark topic as read float this topic for current user bookmark subscribe mute graphic device error in 3ds max 2019 06-13-2018 07:49 am graphic device error in 3ds max 2019 anonymous not ...
'Could not initialize the graphic device' error message appears while launching Autodesk 3ds Max 2019 in a Windows virtual machine. Cause d3dcompiler_43.dll file is missing as it is a part of DirectX(R) End-User Runtime package which is not included in Windows installation. Resolution Install...