一、重新安装显卡驱动 当遇到3ds Max报错提示关于Graphic Device Error时,首先要检查显卡驱动是否安装正确或是否过时。可以尝试卸载当前显卡驱动,然后前往显卡官网下载并安装最新版本的驱动程序。二、调整显卡设置 确保显卡设置正确,特别是与OpenGL相关的设置。可以尝试调整显卡的OpenGL模式或相关设置,看是否能...
方法/步骤 1 Win键+R打开运行命令窗口输入cmd,点击确认 2 这样就打开了cmd窗口 3 以我自己为例,我把3dmax装在F盘 4 在cmd窗口输入f: 然后按回车键进入F盘(要用英文的冒号)5 按照文件目录,输入cd 3dmax——回车,进入文件夹 6 再输入cd 3ds max 2018——回车 7 输入3dsmax.exe -h——回车,就可以...
遇到3ds Max Graphic Device Error问题,通常是因为设置不正确导致的。以下是详细的解决步骤:首先,按Win+R键打开运行命令窗口,输入"cmd"并点击确认进入。在打开的命令行界面,输入"F:"并回车,进入F盘。接着,根据文件路径,输入"cd 3dmassx"并回车,接着进入3ds Max的安装文件夹。继续输入"cd 3d...
3ds Max Graphic Device Error 是设置错误造成的,解决方法为:1、Win键+R打开运行命令窗口输入cmd,点击确认。2、这样就打开了cmd窗口。3、在cmd窗口输入f: 然后按回车键进入F盘。4、按照文件目录,输入cd 3dmax——回车,进入文件夹。5、再输入cd 3ds max 2018——回车。4、输入3dsmax.exe -h—...
一般3ds Max Graphic Device Error 是设置错误造成的,可以尝试以下操作并解决 1、Win键+R打开运行命令...
When starting 3ds Max, one of two different error messages may appear: 3ds Max Graphic Device Error Could not initialize the graphic device. Potential solutions are: - Update your graphics drivers and retry - Change the graphics device (DirectX / OpenG...
When launching 3ds Max after upgrading the Operating System from Windows 7 to Windows 10 the following error message is received: 3ds Max Graphic Device Error Could not initialize the graphic device. Potential solutions are: ...
Solved: Hello everyone.. I wrote my problem in but there was no answer, so ı decided to write again as a topic. I tried every solutions written and
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