The only way right now is to manually change the name of the object in 3ds max when importing the dwg. Also I don't know why every AutoCAD program from the same company does export fbx files differently. Maybe they could be some work done to make that more the same between the ...
导出:“file→exportmesh…(文件→导出网格...)”,选择.fbx或.obj类型导出即可。材质会自动打包在模型文件夹中(导出为.fbx文件的话还会生成一些其它文件,用来帮助你导入)。导入:第1种导入方法,是使用3DSMax(或你自己的3D软件)常规的导入... kiss mayue邀请你来回答 赞 (1) 回复 (1) 3DSMax文件怎么导...
曦: 那是应该你把tool工具下的export里的grp对勾没去掉,去掉就ok了!!!希望能帮到你!!! kiss mayue邀请你来回答 赞 (61) 回复 (5) Max 2009 导出obj后 用ZBrush打开 结果模型崩溃 共2条回答 > ___浅沫°: 导出的设置其他都不要改有个面改成quads的就行因为模型有不合法的面超过5边的头顶下巴...
To export the model to a game engine like UDK (.ase or .fbx), or a sculpting program like Sculptris (.obj) or Mudbox (.fbx or .obj), you can choose the appropriate format under File | Export | Export Selected. The default path for 3ds Max to export to is C:\Users\~\My Documen...
《火星人——3ds Max 8白金手册》是一套由国内外知名的CG培训、制作机构——“火星时代”推出的全面介绍如何使用3ds Max 8软件制作三维动画的大型多媒体教学手册。本套书全面深入地讲解了3ds Max 8软件的各种使用方法及技巧,能帮助读者系统、深入、全面地掌握3ds Max 8软件。配套多媒体光盘内容丰富。制作精良,采用...
Not sure what happened to your files. Never tried the 2016 versions, maybe there is a problem with the export of max or import of SU. You could try OBJ format. There is an OBJ importer included in Quad Face Tools (free) that imports quads
.obj .fbx .3ds .max 3D模型人行天桥 人行天桥3D模型 0 39 00 免版税许可所有扩展用途 退还简单 最优惠价格保证 开箱即用 0访问量 提交者vitul 规格 几何polygonal_quads/tris 多边形106,018 顶点106,300 纹理Yes 索具化No 动画No 适合3D打印No
Tutorials > Import / Export How To Use Mocap Files In Maya, BVH or FBX Mike Bern, updated 10 years ago 38,398 views Rating: 5.0 (2) For a better updated version of this tutorial please visit: This ...
.dae .obj .3ds .fbx .max 3D模型拳击运动员05索具 拳击运动员05索具3D模型 0 10 00 免版税许可所有扩展用途 退还简单 最优惠价格保证 开箱即用 845访问量 提交者RuDy Studio 规格 几何polygonal_quads/tris 多边形16,282 顶点16,848 纹理Yes 索具化Yes ...
高配+V: maya模型导入3dmax操作步骤如下:1、用maya打开模型场景;2、选中需要的模型,点击file——exportselection导出;3、选择文件格式,fbx或obj都能,点击exportselection;4、如果没有fbx选项,需加载下fbx插件;在window-——settings——plug-inmanage,勾选fbx;5、打开max,点击file——import导入文件,点击open,点击ok...