3D reconstruction from images Introduction We needed to take slices of brain or confocal microscope images and convert them back into 3D objects. Two examples are shown. A hand-colored insect brain A fluorescent neuromuscular junct...
What: 提出一个自监督 3D Mesh 重建方法(Self-supervised Mesh Reconstruction, SMR) SMR只需要轮廓 mask 作为标注,就可以重建自然界的物体,比如鸟、牛、自行车 这个方法在多个数据集上,都提升了有监督和无监督的对2D图像进行3D重建模的效果 这个方法还可以迁移到其他图像合成任务上,比如新视角生成、形状转换、材质...
然后,这些特征被反投影回3D体素体块中,并使用running average进行累积。一旦图像特征被融合成3D,我们直接使用3D CNN回归一个TSDF。我们还尝试添加一个额外的头部来预测语义分割。 1.特征体构建 RGB图像序列 It∈R3×h×w 。提取特征 Ft=F(It)∈R3×h×w 使用标准的2D CNN,其中c是特征维度。然后使用已知的...
This paper presents a method for reconstructing 3D image from multi-focus microscopic images captured with different focuses. We model the multi-focus imaging by a microscopy and produce the 3D image of a target object based on the model. The 3D image reconstruction is done by minimizing the ...
【3】Kanazawa, A., Tulsiani, S., Efros, A.A., Malik, J.: Learning category-specific mesh reconstruction from image collections. In: ECCV (2018) 【4】Sun, K., Xiao, B., Liu, D., Wang, J.: Deep high-resolution representation learning for human pose estimation. In: 2019 IEEE/CVF...
l On the task of 3D reconstruction from a single image, we apply our point set generation network and significantly outperform state of the art; l 在从一个单张图像中生成三维重建的工作上,我们应用了点集生成网络,并比现有工作有显著提升。
This paper surveys the topic of 3D face reconstruction using 2D images from a computer science perspective. Various approaches have been proposed as solutions for this problem but most have their limitations and drawbacks. Shape from shading, Shape from silhouettes, Shape from motion and Analysis by...
3D-R2N2: A Unified Approach for Single and Multi-view 3D Object Reconstruction”。
So, considering image segmentation and masking as a key point for repetitive and self-occlusive structures 3D reconstruction from images, some deep network models were presented: MobileNetV2 [54], a fast network leveraging inverted residuals and linear bottlenecks; UPerNet [71] model, a multi-task...
Accurate 3D Face Reconstruction with Weakly-Supervised Learning: From Single Image to Image Set 最近几年基于深度学习的3D人脸重建非常火热,也取得了非常惊艳的效果。但大部分方法都属于有监督学习,需要大量的标注数据,而带有真实3D人脸形状的图片是相对比较稀少的,而且这种标注也费时费力很难完成。