shape reconstructionShape-From-SilhouetteMarching CubesWe present a method of reconstructing a 3D model from several 2D images of an object taken from different views. The data acquisition system consists of a camera on a tripod, and a computer-controlled turntable. We employ the Shape-From-...
Unsupervised 3D shape reconstruction from 2D Image GANs论文地址:Do 2D GANs Know 3D Shape? Unsupervised 3D Shape Reconstruction from... 一、paper ABSTRACT Natural images are projections of 3D objects on a 2D image plane. While state-ofthe-art 2D generative models like GANs show unprecedented ...
MonoScene: Monocular 3D Semantic Scene Completion 给定一张2D场景图片,复现其3D场景信息,并进行语义分割的标注。 Pop-Out Motion: 3D-Aware Image Deformation via Learning the Shape Laplacian 通过让模型学习物体的拉普拉斯形信息来实现高质量的可控编辑。 3D Shape Reconstruction from 2D Images with Disentangled ...
Our method thus is an effective approach for unsupervised 3D shape reconstruction from unconstrained 2D images without any 2D keypoint or 3D annotations. With an improved GAN inversion strategy, our method works not only for GAN samples, but also for real natural images. On the BFM benchmark (...
【3】Kanazawa, A., Tulsiani, S., Efros, A.A., Malik, J.: Learning category-specific mesh reconstruction from image collections. In: ECCV (2018) 【4】Sun, K., Xiao, B., Liu, D., Wang, J.: Deep high-resolution representation learning for human pose estimation. In: 2019 IEEE/CVF...
3D-R2N2: A Unified Approach for Single and Multi-view 3D Object Reconstruction”。
3D reconstruction is a method by which an object is re-created within a virtual, three-dimensional (3D) space using a computer. This can be done in a number of different ways, but usually involves the use of input data such as two-dimensional (2D) photographs or the scanning of the ...
extracting the necessary information from two-dimensional (2D) images for accurate 3D reconstruction remains difficult due to complex object geometries, noisy backgrounds, and occlusions. Drawing inspiration from human visual perception, this study proposes a technique that utilizes transfer learning to acqu...
所以这篇文章想提出一个仅靠2D层面的mask标注,就能实现3D重建模的模型,而且效果很好。 What: 提出一个自监督 3D Mesh 重建方法(Self-supervised Mesh Reconstruction, SMR) SMR只需要轮廓 mask 作为标注,就可以重建自然界的物体,比如鸟、牛、自行车 这个方法在多个数据集上,都提升了有监督和无监督的对2D图像进行3D...
然后,这些特征被反投影回3D体素体块中,并使用running average进行累积。一旦图像特征被融合成3D,我们直接使用3D CNN回归一个TSDF。我们还尝试添加一个额外的头部来预测语义分割。 1.特征体构建 RGB图像序列 It∈R3×h×w 。提取特征 Ft=F(It)∈R3×h×w 使用标准的2D CNN,其中c是特征维度。然后使用已知的...