Progressive Coordinate Transforms for Monocular 3D Object Detection [monocular, det; Github] UPDesc: Unsupervised Point Descriptor Learning for Robust Registration [registration] Investigating Attention Mechanism in 3D Point Cloud Object Detection [det; Github] Real-Time Anchor-Free Single-Stage 3D Detectio...
A self-driving perception model aims to extract 3D semantic representations from multiple cameras collectively into the bird's-eye-view (BEV) coordinate frame of the ego car in order to ground downstream planner. Existing perception methods often rely on error-prone depth estimation of the whole ...
Recent state-of-the-art 3D object detectors mainly rely on bird's eye view (BEV) representation [1–3], where features from multiple sensors are aggregated to con- struct a unified representation in the ego-vehicle coordinate space. There is a rich yet growing lite...
The predicted object location in world's coordinate system is pred_vec_world. The predicted location of the object in the query frame's coordinate system is pred_vec_QQ.wP: queries with both pred_vec_world and pred_vec_Q total queries in step 1 3.4. Mult...
3D object detection perceives and describes what is surrounded us via assigning a label, how it is occupied via drawing a bounding box, and how far away it is from an ego vehicle via giving a coordinate. Besides, 3D detection even provides a heading angle that indicates orientation. It is...
Subsequently, a 3D point cloud is generated in the spatial coordinate system. Existing SfM methods can be categorized into incremental, distributed, and global approaches according to the different methods for estimating the initial values of unknown parameters. 2.1.1. Incremental SfM Incremental SfM ...
In addition, a polar coordinate-based placement is considered, where the polar distance of the object is kept within a perimeter of two meters around the original distance. The relative angle to the world origin is used for orientation. Based on the selected position, the orientation is ...
来源: 如上图所示,LiDAR 捕捉的主要测量指标有物体的 xyz 坐标以及其长宽高和转角。下面是LiDAR测试出的数据,为便于理解附上了简单解释: 1.centre_x,centre_y 以及 centre_z 分别对应某物体在三维平面的坐标。
After deriving the reference points for 𝐭h,w, we need to project them into the pixel coordinate in order to sample the image feature maps later: 𝐑𝐞𝐟h,wpix=𝒫pix(𝐑𝐞𝐟h,wworld)=𝒫pix({(x,y,zi)}), (8) where ...
,cM}H×W×Z defined in the coordinate of ego-vehicle at timestamp t, where each voxel is either empty (denoted by c0) or occupied by a certain semantic class in {c1,cm,…,cM}. Here M denotes the total number of interested classes, and H, W, Z denote the length, width, and ...