In terms of its mechanical properties, stainlesssteel typically has a tensile strength of MPa, a yield strength of MPa, and an elongation of 40-60%. Its hardness varies depending on the grade, with common grades like 304 and 316 having a Rockwell hardness of 70-90. Stainless steel also ...
- 屈服强度(yield strength):表示在金属开始塑性变形之前所能承受的最大应力。它可以指示材料抗拉性能的优劣。 - 抗拉强度(tensile strength):表示金属完全断裂之前所能承受的最大应力。抗拉强度是评估金属耐久性和使用寿命的关键指标。 - 弹性模量(elastic modulus):也被称为静态弹性模量,描述了材料在受载时发生弹性...
机械性能:抗拉强度(Ultimate Tensile Strength, UTS):根据厚度不同,一般在515 MPa至620 MPa之间。屈服强度(Yield Strength,YS):一般在205 MPa以上。延伸率(Elongation):通常在40%左右。尺寸与公差: ASME B16.5规定了法兰的尺寸范围、螺栓孔布局、法兰面型式、内外径、厚度等详细参数,并且对这些尺寸设定了...
cooling has little effect on the elastic modulus of TSZ410 stainless steel and has a significant effect on its nominal yield strength, tensile strength and elongation. When temperature is below 700℃, the strength loss and ductility increase of TSZ410 stainless steel are significantly higher than t...
屈服强度(屈服极限)(Tensile Strength, Yield):215 MPa(31200 psi) 断裂延伸率(Elongation at Break):70% 弹性模量(Modulus of Elasticity):193 GPa(28000 ksi) 泊松比(Poissons Ratio):0.29 剪切模量(Shear Modulus):77.0 GPa(11200 ksi) 热性能(Thermal Properties) 热膨胀系数(CTE, linear):17.3 μm/m-℃...
关于304不锈钢的强度,一般来说,它通常包括抗拉强度(Tensile Strength)、屈服强度(Yield Strength)、延伸率(Elongation)等参数。这些参数的具体数值将根据所采用的标准和规范而异。如果您需要具体的数值,建议查阅相关的标准文献或直接与材料供应商联系,以获取最准确和最新的信息。©...
Coherent Cu particles were observed after aging for 1.5hat 700 and 650°C, while the yield strength could be improved to 507 and 791MPa, respectively, i.e. by ~2–3 times that of the annealed steel. The ductility of the steel remains still high, the fracture elongation being 36%....
密度(20℃,克/立方厘米):7.93;熔点(℃):1398~1454。304 是一种通用性的不锈钢,它广泛地用于制作要求良好综合性能(耐腐蚀和成型性)的设备和机件。为了保持不锈钢所固有的耐腐蚀性,钢必须含有18%以上的铬,8%以上的镍含量。304不锈钢是按照美国ASTM标准生产出来的不锈钢的一个牌号。
屈服强度(屈服极限)(Tensile Strength, Yield):≥205 MPa(29700 psi)(@Strain 0.2%) 断裂延伸率(Elongation at Break):≥40% 断面收缩率(Reduction of Area):≥50% 弹性模量(Modulus of Elasticity):193 GPa(28000 ksi) 泊松比(Poissons Ratio):0.29 剪切模量(Shear Modulus):77.0 GPa(11200 ksi) 热性能(Th...