2SK2611 421Kb/6PDC−DC Converter, Relay Drive and Motor Drive Nell Semiconductor Co.,...2SK2611 342Kb/6PN-Channel Power MOSFET Inchange Semiconductor ...2SK2611 205Kb/2PN-Channel MOSFET Transistor More results
文件大小342.63 Kbytes 页6 Pages 制造商NELLSEMI [Nell Semiconductor Co., Ltd] 网页http://www.nellsemi.com 标志 功能描述N-ChannelPowerMOSFET 类似零件编号 - 2SK2611 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 Toshiba Semiconductor2SK2611 287Kb/5PN CHANNEL MOS TYPE (HIGH SPEED, HIGH VOLTAGE SWITCHING, DC-DC CO...
网页http://www.semicon.toshiba.co.jp/eng 标志 功能描述NCHANNELMOSTYPE(HIGHSPEED,HIGHVOLTAGESWITCHING,DC-DCCONVERTER,RELAYDRIVEANDMOTORDRIVEAPPLICATIONS) 类似零件编号 - 2SK2611 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 Toshiba Semiconductor2SK2611 701Kb/6PSilicon N Channel MOS Type DC−DC Converter, Relay Drive...
网页http://www.semicon.toshiba.co.jp/eng 标志 功能描述SiliconNChannelMOSTypeDC−DCConverter,RelayDriveandMotorDriveApplications 类似零件编号 - 2SK2611 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 Toshiba Semiconductor2SK2611 287Kb/5PN CHANNEL MOS TYPE (HIGH SPEED, HIGH VOLTAGE SWITCHING, DC-DC CONVERTER, RELAY ...
SEMICONDUCTORRoHSRoHSNell High Power Products2SK2611 Serieswww.nellsemi.comPage 1 of 6N-Channel Power MOSFET(9A, 900Volts)PRODUCT SUMMARY 数据表 search, datasheets, 电子元件和半导体, 集成电路, 二极管, 三端双向可控硅 和其他半导体的
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2SK2611 421Kb/6PDC−DC Converter, Relay Drive and Motor Drive More results Similar Description - 2SK2611_06 ManufacturerPart #DatasheetDescription Toshiba Semiconductor2SK2916 714Kb/6PSilicon N Channel MOS Type DC−DC Converter, Relay Drive and Motor Drive Applications ...
制造商 : TOSHIBA/NELLSEMI 封装/规格 : TO-247 产品分类 : MOSFETs Datasheet: 2SK2611 Datasheet (PDF) RoHs Status: Lead free/RoHS Compliant 库存: 3900 Share: Pinterest LinkedIn WhatsApp Facebook Line X 分享 对比产品 数量 加入BOM 询价 ...
2SK2611 参数 Datasheet PDF下载 欢迎访问ic37.com| 会员登录免费注册 会员中心 企业资讯人才招聘 电子百科 型号:2SK2611 PDF下载:下载PDF文件查看货源 内容描述:N沟道MOS型(高速,高电压开关, DC-DC转换器,继电器驱动器和电机驱动应用) [N CHANNEL MOS TYPE (HIGH SPEED, HIGH VOLTAGE SWITCHING, DC-DC ...
all relevant TOSHIBA information, including without limitation, this document, the specifications, the data sheets and application notes for Product and the precautions and conditions set forth in the “TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability Handbook” and (b) the instructions for the application with which...