This chapter describes some new applications of 129 Xe NMR spectroscopy that use the dynamic properties of adsorbed xenon to learn about structure of pores, xenon exchange and diffusion. Exchange rates, obtained with 2D EXSY NMR techniques, are measured for diffusion paths with widely varying length...
1) 2D-EXSY NMR 二维核磁共振交换谱1. The isomer conversion of formanilide was investigated by ~(13)C 2D-EXSY NMR,and the conversion rate was obtained by approximation method proposed by ourselves~([5]). 自Ernst1979年创立的二维核磁共振交换谱(2D-EXSY)以来,人们可以仅从一张谱获得复杂体系的...
2D-EXSY NMR methods were used to explore diffusion between different domains in zeolites on two very different length scales. Measurements were made on xenon-containing samples consisting of a mixture of NaX and NaY zeolite particles which give distinct resonance lines. The cross peaks observed were...
Solid-state NMRLithium sulfateLi2SO4 ⋅H2O6 Li EXSYDiffusion of lithium ions in solids is an interesting topic for fundamental research as well as applied science. Fast moving Li ions are desirable for several energy storage applications, whereas materials with slow diffusing Li ions find use, ...
自Ernst1979年创立的二维核磁共振交换谱(2D-EXSY)以来,人们可以仅从一张谱获得复杂体系的动力学信息,勿需用变温等繁琐手段,大大简化了实验。5) two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy 二维核磁共振波谱学 例句>> 6) multidimentional NMR spectroscopy 多维核磁共振谱补充...
The isomer conversion of formanilide was investigated by ~(13)C 2D-EXSY NMR,and the conversion rate was obtained by approximation method proposed by ourselves~([5]). 自Ernst1979年创立的二维核磁共振交换谱(2D-EXSY)以来,人们可以仅从一张谱获得复杂体系的动力学信息,勿需用变温等繁琐手段,大大简化...
2D EXSY NMRHalogen exchangeThe halogen exchange reactions at equilibrium of (Z)-1-[2-(bromochlorophenylstannyl)vinyl]-1-cyclohexanol were studied by two-dimensional 119Sn exchange NMR spectroscopy (2D 119Sn EXSY NMR). A single halogen exchange mechanism was found from a quantitative matrix ...
用1D和2D NMR技术对碳青霉烯药物亚胺培南的两种顺反异构体进行了结构表征,并对其^1H,^13C核磁谱的化学位移进行了全面的归属.根据^1H,^13C核磁 图谱的解析,结合二维谱,分析确定了亚胺培南在溶液状态下顺反异构体比例为6:4(顺式:反式),从而为药物合成及质量控制提供了重要的参考价值.关键词: 核磁共振;归属;2D...
A procedure for the estimation of the mixing time between the last two 90° pulses in the classic three-pulse sequence NOESY/EXSY is proposed and tested and some considerations for the treatment of the two-dimensional (2D) 1H NMR exchange spectra are given. The rate constants are thus obtaine...
前言常用的1D和2DNMR实验及用途结构解析实例 一个常规1H-NMR谱图 4.0 1.005 3.5 3.0 2.004 2.5 2.019 2.0 2.019 1.5 2.00418.220 1.0 3.000 ppm 从NMR谱图推导化合物结构 NMR谱图信息 化学位移 偶合常数 NMR谱图 峰面积NOE 化学位移相关谱HH-COSYCH-COSY 化合物结构 1H...