2.3Cu 1.6Mg 1.1Fe 1.0Ni 0.18Si 0.07Ti(2618-T61)溶解和沉淀热处理的铝合金、锻模和手制锻件、轧制环材和锻造原料 Aluminum Alloy, Die and Hand Forgings, Rolled Rings, and Forging Stock 2.3Cu 1.6Mg 1.1Fe 1.0Ni 0.18Si 0.07Ti (2618-T61) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated ...
SAE AMS4132G-2013冲模和手工溶解和沉淀热处理铝合金锻件,轧制环和锻坯2.3Cu 1.6Mg 1.1Fe 1.0Ni 0.18Si 0.07Ti (2618-T61) Aluminum Alloy, Die and Hand Forgings, Rolled Rings, and Forging Stock 2.3Cu 1.6Mg 1.1Fe 1.0Ni 0.18Si 0.07Ti (2618-T61) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated 被代替...
铝合金模具和手锻件 轧制环 和锻坯 2.3Cu 1.6Mg 1.1Fe 1.0Ni 0.18Si 0.07Ti(2618-T61)固溶和沉淀热处理 Aluminum Alloy Die and Hand Forgings@ Rolled Rings@ and Forging Stock 2.3Cu - 1.6Mg - 1.1Fe - 1.0Ni - 0.18Si - 0.07Ti (2618-T61) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated 被代替...
Aluminum Alloy, Die and Hand Forgings, Rolled Rings, and Forging Stock 2.3Cu 1.6Mg 1.1Fe 1.0Ni 0.18Si 0.07Ti (2618-T61) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treateddoi:SAE AMS4132F本规范涵盖模锻,手工锻件,轧制环和锻坯形式的铝合金.这些产品通常用于在450mDF(232mDC)及600mDF(316mDC)以下低应力下运行...
ALUMINUM ALLOY FORGINGS 2.3Cu - 1.6Mg - 1.1Fe - 1.1Ni - 0.0.7Ti (2618-T61) 预览SAE AMS4132H-2019前三页 标准号 SAE AMS4132H-2019 2019年 总页数 8页 发布单位 美国机动车工程师协会 当前最新 SAE AMS4132H-2019 购买 正式版 SAE AMS4132H-2019相似标准...
The cyclic stress–strain response and the low-cycle fatigue life behavior of an aluminum alloy AA2618-T61 forged disk were studied. Fully reversed strain-controlled tests were performed at 200°C in air at a constant total strain rate and under the total strain ranges of 0.5–0.9%. ...
铝合金 模具和手工锻件 轧制环和锻造件 2.3cu - 1.6mg - 1.1fe - 1.0ni - 0.18si - 0.07ti(2618-t61) 溶液和沉淀热处理, Aluminum Alloy, Die and Hand Forgings, Rolled Rings, and Forging Stock,
本规范涵盖模锻件、手工锻件、轧制环和锻件形式的铝合金。This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of die forgings, hand forgings, rolled rings, and forging stock.铝合金、模具和手工锻件、轧
铝合金 模具和手工锻件 轧制环和锻造件 2.3cu - 1.6mg - 1.1fe - 1.0ni - 0.18si - 0.07ti(2618-t61) 溶液和沉淀热处理, Aluminum Alloy, Die and Hand Forgings, Rolled Rings, and Forging Stock,
Aluminum Alloy, Die and Hand Forgings, Rolled Rings, and Forging Stock 2.3Cu 1.6Mg 1.1Fe 1.0Ni 0.18Si 0.07Ti (2618-T61) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated SAE AMS4132G-2013 发布历史 SAE AMS4132G-2013由美国机动车工程师协会 US-SAE 发布于 2013-02-07。