mm thick 6061-T6 aluminum alloy sheets. The average tensile shear strength of the weld created by the long probe tool was about 3 times larger than that of the joint fabricated by the short probe tools. This difference was related to the larger stir zone and higher volume of the displaced...
YANG et al [10] studied the effect of different pin profiles and shoulder features on heat generation, microstructure and tensile strength during FSW of AA6061-T6. YADUWANSHI et al [11] analyzed the influence of tool offset during FSW between pure copper and 1100 aluminum alloy and reported ...
Fracture Analysis of AA6061-T6 Aluminum Alloy Spot Welding Lap Shear Model Hao Li School of Automotive Engineering, Tianjin Vocational Institute, Tianjin Received: Sep. 8th , 2021; accepted: Oct. 6th , 2021; published: Oct. 15th , 2021 Abstract In this paper, a finite element model of ...
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Effect of Size of Tool on Peak Temperature & Viscosity during Friction Stir Welding of AA6061-T6 Aluminum Alloy Using HyperWorks, 2(4), 914-919.K.D.Bhatt, Bindu Pillai, A.M. Trivedi, Effect of Size of Tool on Peak Temperature & viscosity during Friction Stir Welding of AA6061-T6 ...
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德克萨斯大学的专利US 20190039183 A1(Method and system for powder bed fusion additive manufacturing of crack-free aluminum alloys)旨在解决这样的问题,使得制造的部件不表现出开裂并保持相对高的密度。铝合金粉末包括AA6061、AA2014、AA2017、AA2024、AA2219、AA5083、AA7050、AA7075、AA7150、AA7178或AA7475。