integration process;simulation and optimization [收稿日期]2024 - 03 - 18;[修改稿日期]2024 - 05 - 09。 [作者简介]张广彤(2000—),女,辽宁省朝阳市人,硕士生,电话 13204213756,电邮。联系人:张健,电话 15242339645,电邮。 [基金项目]教育部产学合作协同育人...
“CO2 emissions of all world countries”2022.4 International Transportation Forum,“ITF Transport Outlook 2023”May 2023.5 State of California“California approves groundbreaking regulation that accelerates the deployment of heavy-duty ZEVs to protect public health”April 28,2023.6 International Energy Agency...
ogen could eliminate exhaust emissions from aviation,hydrogen aircraft technology for large passenger or cargo transport does not exist yet.This technology is also not expected to reach commercial maturity within a timeframe compatible with making a material impact on carbon neutrality by mid-centur ...
(ZEV):Vehicles that do not emit exhaust gases or other pollutants from the o 55、nboard source of power.8|Evolution of transport fuels 2024 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities.KPMG International entities provide no services to clients.All rights reserved.01Article02...