[23] Chierici A, Chevalier N, Iannelli A. Postoperative morbidity and weight loss after revisional bariatric surgery for primary failed restrictive procedure: A systematic review and network meta-analysis [J]. Int J Surg, 2022,102:106...
3.录用流程:一个月左右录用非常快! 8.22 提交--8月22日下午4点多提交的,系统会给你发一个邮件说收到了手稿 8.23 Pending review 8.24 Under Review 9.09 Minor Revisions--(大修,给了10天返修时间)一开始有三个审稿人的意见,后面又加了一个审稿人的意见,四个审稿人给的意见都不是什么大问题,但需要-一给...
The Relationship Between Parental and Family Functioning and Post-Concussive Symptoms After Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Scoping Review 这篇综述旨在解决以下问题:(1)轻度创伤性脑损伤(MTBI)是否比其他损伤导致更多的父母痛苦或更差的家...
在时尚设计与材质创新上,Thom Browne有其独树一帜的设计理念,2024秋冬高级定制时装系列中,将平纹棉布推至前沿,成为一场视觉与触觉盛宴的主角。为了庆祝即将到来的巴黎奥运会,Thom Browne 2024秋冬高定系列以“比赛”为主题。本季,Browne不仅将平纹棉布从其传统高级定制服装或样品制作的固有框架中解放出来,更赋予其令人...
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MTCT是乙型肝炎传播的主要途径,而当前存在大量感染病例,特别是在中国,需要采取有效干预措施来减少MTCT。 研究目的 SHIELD项目的目标是通过强有力的干预方案,在中国降低HBV母婴传播率。 研究方法 该研究在中国各种卫生机构中进行,包括第二阶段SHIELD项目的178家医院的30,109名孕妇和第三阶段SHIELD项目的160个社区级卫生...
thaddmtrequested a review froma teamas acode ownerSeptember 25, 2024 19:17 ⚠️No Changeset found Latest commit:8822de9 Merging this PR will not cause a version bump for any packages. If these changes should not result in a new version, you're good to go.If these changes should res...
"3D Multiple Object Tracking on Autonomous Driving: A Literature Review."arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.15411(2023). // 五、传统方法 笔者将按照时间线由远及近的顺序,来综述传统方法下的经典工作,对应的时段为2018年 ~ 今(2024/01),涵盖了BeyondPixels、AB3DMOT、EagerMOT、SimpleTrack、PolarMOT、Poly-MOT等...
Effect of alcohol use disorders and alcohol intake on the risk of subsequent depressive symptoms: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies[J]. Addiction, 2020, 115(7):1224-1243. DOI: 10.1111/add.14935. [45]HarperC. The neuropathology of alcohol-related brain damage[J]. ...
This review is based on personal experience. KTM Duke 200 is One of the worst bikes when it comes to maintenance. I feel I have spent the same amount on petrol and maintenance. For 15,000km Petrol = 36,000 (bike mileage 30km/LTR) Petrol price - 75 (AVG) Maintenance Service = 3 ti...