【双语】2016美国大选:希拉里和特朗普鹿死谁手? “美国总统大选”英文可以说成 “US presidential election”,election即指“选举”。 今年全美关注的焦点当属美国大选了,这将决定今后四年甚至八年期间谁将掌管美国的大权,掌握美国人民的生活,掌握美国的经济。那么跟英语君一起来看看这次的白宫之路吧! “...
This is why, irrespective of the outcome of the 2016 US Presidential election, the real victor i...
美国总统选举(US Presidential Election)2016年的美国大选,剧情堪比大热美剧《纸牌屋》,让吃瓜群众们追了好几个月。希拉里和特朗普多(hu)次(xiang)辩(shang)论(hai)后,终于尘埃落定——特朗普胜选、即将入主白宫。这一出乎意料的结局也是惊掉了不少人的下巴。(特朗普:就问你服不服~)巴西政治(Brazilian...
The US 2016 Presidential election campaign has begun and already we are being bombarded with numerous candidates each with their own election promises. The average voter has no real way to make competent and intelligent decisions even with today’s high tech media and social networks. Wouldn’t ...
presidential election U.S. presidential elections kick off Voters in U.S. cast their ballots prior to election day Dixville Notch, symbolic village of U.S. presidential elections US early voting available in Texas Highlights of U.S. final presidential debate in Las Vegas Clinton, Trump ...
This is why, irrespective of the outcome of the 2016 US Presidential election, the real victor ...
The 2016 US presidential election(总统选举) will affect more than just politics and economy. It's going to have an effect on the English language too. Oxford Dictionaries named “posttruth(后真相)” as the word of the year for 2016. The word is an adjective. It means that emotion ...
presidential election 2016-11-02 Top Republican leader votes for Donald Trump despite hostile relations 2016-11-02 U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan votes for Trump in early voting 2016-11-01 US early voting available in Texas 2016-10-29 Feature: Trump supporters cling to hope despite ...
1:50 p.m. ETEric Trump, the son of GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump,briefly posted a photo of his Election Day ballotto Twitter Tuesday, showing off his vote for his father. But in New York, where Trump voted, it's illegal to take a picture in a polling station or to share a...
(评论区有人提到票还没统计完,BBC上的数据显示应该是已经统计完了:US Election 2016 Results - BBC ...