The Electoral College, explained↓↓↓上下滑动,查看解说稿 ↓↓↓If you watch the news during a presidential election, you’ll hear a lot of this: “What do the national polls look like?”“Hillary Clinton’s nation...
不经想起了英国脱欧。以下是swing states的county投票分布截图: //图源全部Google做的Election page,如果...
US Presidential Election 美国总统大选 继英国脱欧之后,美国总统大选成为了2016下半年最具话题性的事件之一。特朗普与希拉里为全世界关注政局的人们献上了跌宕起伏、高潮不断的一次大选,以致于选举结束后关于大选的争论依然不断。 This is ...
2012 U.S. election part I finances 2012 U.S. election part II voter and candidate Spending and Advertising in the U.S. Presidential Election 2016 United States Presidential Election Polls 2016 Contact Get in touch with us. We are happy to help. Clicking on the following button will ...
If “Did Not Vote” Had Been A Candidate In The 2016 US Presidential Election, It Would Have Won By a Landslide Counties That Changed Party In The 2016 US Presidential Election VS 2012 How Whites Voted In The 2016 US Presidential Election by State & County 2016 US Presidential Electoral Map...
US Presidential Election 美国总统大选 继英国脱欧之后,美国总统大选成为了2016下半年最具话题性的事件之一。特朗普与希拉里为全世界关注政局的人们献上了跌宕起伏、高潮不断的一次大选,以致于选举结束后关于大选的争论依然不断。 This is perhaps the most extraordinary election in US histroy. A man with no expe...
Hillary Clinton lost the election but is winning the popular vote ,数据来源于CNN, CNN说这是它统计了92%的投票结果,CNN发布这个也是为了安慰希拉里支持者,CNN发布的关于大选的数据几乎已经不能信了,不过在这里还是暂且认为是正确的吧,因为现在已经是post-election时期了)。希拉里比川普还多219762张票,怎么就输掉...
Category Archives: 2016 US Presidential Election February 22, 2018 · 4:46 pm The Revenge of the Infographic? Long before Barack Obama was a candidate for President of the United States, he took time to chastise the nation about the tyranny of the infographic that divided the nation. Obama...
Hillary Clinton first female presidential nominee of a major political party Clinton won Maine but Trump earned an electoral vote by winning the popular vote in the 2nd Congressional District. This marked the first time that Maine has split its electoral vote since it moved away from the winner-...
“I just received a call from Secretary Clinton,” he said. “She congratulated us on our victory. And I congratulated her on a hard-fought campaign.” He praised Clinton for the hard work she’s done for the country, and told the crowd that “we owe her a major debt of gratitude”...