本文介绍一下中国大陆第一篇计算机视觉顶会的best paper,也是何恺明第一次在计算机视觉领域大放异彩的一篇经典之作—Dark Channel Prior。另外本文在Dark Channel Prior算法的基础上,介绍何恺明后续提出的Large-Kernel和Guided Filter两种加速方法。 Dark Channel Prior 图像去雾任务的目标是把一张雾图转变成一张无雾图...
http://personal.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/~hkm007/cvpr09/cvpr09slides.pdf 看完ppt,我写过一个简单的matlab实现, 其中的soft matting优化没写, 谁有兴趣写一个共享一下哈.. 贴代码吧, 很简单滴..., 如有理解上的错误和bug, 欢迎指正.. clear clc close all kenlRatio = .01; image_name = '18.jpg'; ...
看完ppt,我写过一个简单的matlab实现, 其中的soft matting优化没写, 谁有兴趣写一个共享一下哈.. 贴代码吧, 很简单滴..., 如有理解上的错误和bug, 欢迎指正.. clear clc close all kenlRatio = .01; image_name = '18.jpg'; img=imread(image_name); sz=size(img); w=sz(2); h=sz(1); ...
CVPR2009文章回顾 文章列表 速读 Tz-HuanHuang,Kai-YinCheng,andYung-YuChuang,ACollaborativeBenchmarkforRegionofInterestDetectionAlgorithms(ID:0482) RadhakrishnaAchanta,SheilaHemami,FranciscoEstrada,andSabineSüsstrunk,Frequency-tunedSalientRegionDetection(ID:1708) ...
image understanding and pattern recognition. In addition to the regular sessions, there will be three invited speakers. There will be four paper awards: one for the best overall paper, one for the best paper with a student as first author, and area awards for the best paper in vision and ...
CVPR 2014 作者:Ross Girshick,Jeff Donahue,Trevor Darrell,Jitendra Malik 机构:加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校 被引频次:6876 这篇文章的排名在YOLO之前,既合理又巧妙。因为在YOLO之前,目标检测领域可以说是RCNN的世界。RCNN是将CNN引入目标检测的开山之作,它改变了目标检测领域的主要研究思路。紧随其后的系列文章,如Fas...
2014 CVPR 有一组段教程涉及相关研究 欢迎补充指正 [ 微博 ] 2014-09-22 传送好东西 #自然语言处理# 论文“Distributed Representations of Sentences and Documents ” Quoc V. Le, Tomas Mikolov, ICML 2014 链接 http://t.cn/RhpdQqv PV = Paragraph Vector [ 微博 ] 2014-09-22 @ustczen: “...
CVPR, (2007) Eva Horster, Thomas Greif, Rainer Lienhart, Malcolm Slaney. Comparing Local Feature Descriptors in pLSA-Based Image Models. 30th Annual Symposium of the German Association for Pattern Recognition (DAGM) 2008, Munich, Germany, June 2008. I also put the PDFs of these two papers ...
Papers should conform to 2-4 full pages limit. All figures must be stored in *.tiff or *.jpg format with the minimum resolution of 300 dpi and sent in attachment together with the paper. Applicants will be notified of acceptance or rejection via e-mail. Upon acceptance, participants are ...
Xiaofei He has published more than 50 papers in IEEE TPAMI, TKDE, TCSVT, TIP, NIPS, ICML, IJCAI, AAAI, SIGIR, ICCV, CVPR, ACM Multimedia, etc., and co-invented 7 US patents. He is an editor of three international journals and has served on program committee of a dozen of ...