17-alpha-hydroxyprogesteroneLaboratory AnimalsHypertensionAlgestone AcetophenideAdrenal Cortex HormonesSodium Ion LevelHematological EffectsClinical ResearchResearch MethodologyVascular DiseasesDiseasesCoghlan JP, Denton DA, Fan JS, McDougall JG, Scoggins BA....
目的 分析高危因素包括出生体重,胎龄及其他高危因素对新生儿17 α-OHP水平分布,为新生儿肾上腺皮质增生症(CAH)筛查切值的优化提供参考.方法 对苏州市新生儿疾病筛查中心2010年8月至2014年1月CAH筛查资料进行回顾性分析.运用非参数检验Wilcoxon检验比较性别,胎龄和体重各组之间的统计学差异,通过同时固定性别,胎龄和体重...
However, stress factor emerged as the most important significant positive predictor (multiple R = 0.643, P = N = 73 newborns) had significantly decreased to normal level. Conclusion Stress due to neonatal illnesses like meconium aspiration, sepsis, birth asphyxia, etc. significantly ...
s analysis112 did not find relevant differences in the treatment effect when analyzed by race (Black vs non-Black), region (US vs non-US), history of spontaneous preterm birth (1 previous spontaneous preterm birth vs >1 previous spontaneous preterm birth), and “composite” risk level (no ...
In this study, we investigated potential roles of DOC during spermiation 1) by describing changes in blood plasma DOC level, MR mRNA abundance during the reproductive cycle and MR localization in the reproductive tract 2) by investigating and comparing the effects of DOC (10 mg/kg) and MIS ...
Neonatal screening for 21-OH deficiency is based on the measurement of the 17α-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP) level from blood spotted on filter paper. The aim of this study was to examine whether repeated daily blood sampling on filter paper can assist in improving the monitoring of, and ...
due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency showed that a single measurement of plasma 17-OHP concentration cannot be relied upon to determine adequacy of control, since circadian variation and timing of the sample in relation to the last dose of glucocorticoid may influence the plasma level of 17 alpha-OHP...
The continuous flow analysis using immobilized antigen to remove unbound labeled antibody after the competitive reaction with antigen has also been developed, but a highly purified monospecific antibody such as monoclonal antibody is required to minimize the background level.3,4 If we employ a ...
This chapter provides an account of plasma progesterone and 17 伪 -hydroxyprogesterone measured by a competitive protein binding technique and related to the oestrogen excretion and luteinizing hormone ( LH ) level around ovulation in the normal menstrual cycle. Around ovulation, drastic changes occur ...
LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: II.Waters TPSchultz BAMercer BMObstetrics and Gynecology: Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and GynecologistsTP Waters,BA Schultz,BM Mercer,PM Catalano.Effect of 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone caproate on glucose intolerance in pregnancy. Obstetrics and Gynecology . 2009...