Oncology 15-Deoxy-Delta 1214-prostaglandin J2 (15D-PGJ2) mediated signaling in colon cancer. THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Eugene W. Gerner MehtaDipti JhewerchandNormal tissue structure and function are maintained by a dynamic interaction between epithelial cells and the stroma consisting of fibroblasts,...
37, No. 3, 179-185, June 2005 15-Deoxy-Δ12,14-PGJ2 inhibits IL-6-induced Stat3 phosphorylation in lymphocytes Hyo Jin Kim 1, Young Hee Rho2, Seong Jai Choi2, Young Ho Lee2, HyeonJoo Cheon3, Jun W on Um4, Jeongwon Sohn3, Gwan Gyu Song2 and Jong D ae Ji2,5 1Department ...
15-Deoxy- 12,1412,14-PGJ2 Induces IL-8 Production in Human T Cells by a Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Pathway Mast cells, platelets, and some macrophages are abundant sources of PGD(2) and its active metabolite 15-deoxy-Delta(12,14)-PGJ(2) (15-d-PGJ(2)). The lipid ... SG Har...
15-Deoxy-Δ-12,14-prostaglandin J2 (15d-PGJ2) 是一种环戊烯酮前列腺素和 PGD2 的代谢产物。15-Deoxy-Δ-12,14-prostaglandin J2 是一种选择性的PPARγ(EC50为 2 µM) 和共价的 15-Deoxy-Δ12,14-Prostaglandin J2-d9Chemical Structure *Please selectQuantitybefore adding items. 上海金畔生物科技...
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15-deoxy-Delta12,14-PGJ2 (15d-PGJ2) has been identified as an endogenous ligand for PPARgamma, inducing adipogenesis in vitro. Additional roles for this molecule in the propagation and resolution of inflammation, ligation of NF-kappaB, and mediation of apoptosis have been proposed. However, qua...
产品名称: 人15-deoxy-前列腺素J2(15d-PGJ2)elisa 产品规格: 96T 有效成分含量: 100% 检测方法: 夹心法 竞争法 间接法 样本: 血清,血浆,唾液,尿液等 保质期: 6个月 标记物: HRP 储存条件: 2-8℃ 用途范围: 科研实验 是否进口: 否 包装规格: 液体盒装 货期: 现货 加工定制: 是 ...
15-Deoxy-螖12,14 PGJ2 but not rosiglitazone regulates MMP-9, NOS-2 and COX-2 expression and function by PPAR纬-dependent and independent mechanisms in cardiac cellsHovsepian, EugeniaPenas, FedericoGoren, Nora B
产品名称: 小鼠15-deoxy-前列腺素J2(15-d-PGJ2)elisa检测试剂盒 产品规格: 96T 有效成分含量: 99% 检测方法: 竞争法 样本: 血清 血浆,细胞上清 保质期: 6个月 标记物: HPR标记物 储存条件: 2-8°C 用途范围: 仅限科学研究 是否进口: 否 包装规格: 盒 重复性: 板内,板间变异...
15-deoxy-Delta 12, 14-PGJ2 ELISA Kit (Colorimetric)推荐供应商 我要询价 上海优宁维生物科技股份有限公司 联系电话:021-38939000-9068 电子邮件:dongh@univ-bio.com CB指数:58 网址:https://www.univ-bio.com/ 相关信息:产品目录(6647) 用户评价 英文名称:15-deoxy-Delta 12, 14-PGJ2 ELISA Kit ...