fashion 其他属性 原产地 Guangdong, China 品牌 OEM 型号 MCKOE 产品名称 18mm卡西欧AQ-S800表带/AQ-S810W W-735H 材料 橡胶 尺寸 18mm 颜色 8种颜色 长度 13.5cm + 8cm 厚度 约2.5mm 重量 约20g 适合 卡西欧AQ-S800/AQ-S810W W-735H等.
This abandonment of the gown to emphasise a tight top over the torso, with breeches or trousers below, was to become the distinctive feature of European men’s fashion for centuries to come. Men had carried purses up to this time because tunics did not provide pockets....