Of course, the FuelCell interprets the 'Steel Blue' colour scheme in a vastly different fashion, with a 'Protection Pack'-esque torn upper that combines both grey and blue shades while also slapping giant logos on the toebox. Down below, cushy FuelCell foam midsoles house a carbon fibre ...
Villeroy & Boch porcelain manufacturer in the world's oldest, boasts a 260-year since its founding. Masterpiece was born by the technology of Germany and France's sophisticated fashion sense, now many people all over the world are fascinated by continues. ...
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今年New Balance 的焦点鞋款当然就是 M1300JP ,不过除了这双鞋皇之外,M1300 还有另外值得期待的鞋款:比如这双 Levi's x New Balance M1300CL 。这次的合作鞋款以棕色的麂皮打造鞋面,鞋头、鞋舌等部位则用了优质的 Levi's 丹宁布制作,加上橙色的皮质 Logo 和鞋标,极具 Levi's 的特色。据悉,这次合作将于...
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New Balance M1300 问世 35 周年之际,大家的关注必然会放到 M1300JP 之上,但其实除了「鞋皇」外,M1300 还有更多值得期待的惊喜之作与大家见面,比如 Levi’s 携手 New Balance 制造的限定 M1300CL。Levi’s x New Balance 首次推出美产设计,其中牛仔布来自于 2017 年关闭的百年牛仔布工厂 White Oak,特殊意义...
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The appearance of the fashion design, excellent technology is more suitable for your bike. (Please confirm this product is suitable for your motorcycle before purchase.) Sold by KING MOTOR(Trader) Ship to Canada AliExpress commitment Free shipping ...
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