(Nanotwinned Cu,nt-Cu)具有独特的界面反应特性,被视为一种理想的新型基体材料.本论文以(111)nt-Cu作为基体,研究了钎焊温度,钎焊时间,钎料成分对焊点界面IMC形核,长大,微观组织及剪切性能的影响;同时选用电镀多晶Cu和轧制Cu进行对比,研究了(111)nt-Cu/Sn(25μm)/多晶Cu微焊点等温钎焊界面反应.本论文主要研究...
The article discusses unidirectional growth of microbumps on [111]-oriented and nanotwinned copper (nt-Cu). Researchers fabricated highly oriented [111] Cu grains with densely packed nanotwins by direct-current electroplating with a high stirring rate. According to the team, the [111]-oriented and...
The electroplated nt-Cu grow almost epitaxially on the seed layer and formed ,111.-oriented columnar structures. However, with the regular ,111.-oriented Cu seed, there is a randomly-oriented transition layer between the nt-Cu and the regular ,111.-oriented Cu seed. The results indicate that...
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In this study, we report a vacuum-free Cu-to-Cu direct bonding technique with a short bonding time of 5 min by using (111)-oriented nt-Cu, with no additional annealing. The bonding is verified through the grain growth occurring across the bonding interface. In addition, we found that ...
Quand on demande à nos philosophes à quoi sert ce nombre prodigieux d’étoiles fixes, dont une partie suffirait pour faire ce qu’elles font toutes, ils vous répondent froidement qu’elles servent à leur réjouir la vue.When our philosophers are asked what is the use of these ...
It was found that limited triple junction mobility in nanotwinned structure can result in drag on the motion of the grain boundaries connected during grain growth14 and atomic diffusion9, conferring better thermal stability and electromigration resistance to nanotwinned copper (nt-Cu). These results ...