User Guide: 10X Thermo Scientific Tango Buffer (with BSA) Cookie设置 我们及我们的关联方等通过运用Cookie等技术来为您提供您感兴趣的网站定制内容、识别访问者、保障安全登录和收集数据。点击“全部接受”以接受所有 cookie 并直接跳转至网站,或点击“管理设置”以查看 cookie 类型的详细说明,并选择是否在网站上接...
英文名称:10X Buffer Tango 保存条件:RT 详细描述: 该产品仅用于科研试验。不得用于其它用途。 相关产品 AB-0264 ABgene Strips of 8 Tubes 250 strips Abgene AB-0264/BA Bgene Strips of 8 Tubes (Blue) 250 strips Abgene AB-0264/P ABgene Strips of 8 Tubes (Purple) 250 strips Abgene ...
培养基 蛋白质 酶与辅酶 核酸及其衍生物 碳水化合物 抗生素 维生素 染色剂 其它常用试剂 分子生物学产品 免疫学产品 耗材 仪器 产品详细 10X Buffer Tango CAS: 产品编号PF0034 中文名10X Buffer Tango 英文名10X Buffer Tango 别名 分子式 品牌MBI(Ferment ...
量大从优10XBufferTango;MBIBY5现货热销进口/国产:进口 咨询产地:MBI 货号:BY5 Description Our Five Buffer System ensures the optimum reaction conditions for each restriction enzyme. This system consists of 10X B (blue), G (green), O (orange), R (red) and Tango™ (yellow) buffers. All ...
Thermo Scientific restriction enzymes are shipped with their optimal digestion buffer(s). The buffers are available separately for purchase as well. The optimal range of DNA concentration is 0.02-0.1 µg/µL in the restriction digestion mixture. We would recommend the volume of the DNA sample...
This system consists of 10X B (blue), G (green), O (orange), R (red), and Tango (yellow) buffers. All restriction enzymes are supplied in color-coded tubes to indicate the recommended reaction buffer. The recommended buffer and/or the universal Tango buffer are supplied with each enzyme...
This system consists of 10X B (blue), G (green), O (orange), R (red), and Tango (yellow) buffers. All restriction enzymes are supplied in color-coded tubes to indicate the recommended reaction buffer. The recommended buffer and/or the universal Tango buffer are supplied with each enzyme...
货品编号:Thermo.BB5 数量:-+支 立即购买加入采购单 正品货源 质量保障 商品详情 商品评论 商品咨询 品牌:Thermo 所属分类:一抗 货品编号: Thermo.BB5 品牌: Thermo 品名: 10x Buffer B 规格: 5 x 1.0 mL Thermo Scientific 10X 缓冲液 B 可确保达到特定限制性内切酶的较佳反应条件,且将该缓冲液与 BSA ...
英文名称:10X Tango Buffer 英文同义词:10X Tango Buffer CAS号: 分子式: 分子量:0 EINECS号: 信息错误报告 您的Email: 按国家浏览10X Tango Buffer国外供应商中国供应商 10X Tango Buffer推荐供应商 建议您优先选择企业会员,我们对企业会员产品有严格审核。
The 10X FastDigest Green Buffer is a proprietary digestion buffer which supports 100% activity of all FastDigest restriction enzymes. DNA/RNA modifying enzymes, such as ligases, phosphatases, kinases and mesophilic DNA polymerases also have 100% activity in FastDigest Green Buffer. Therefore, enzymes ...