So I never forget all the things I hate about you Ten you're selfish nine you're jaded Eight the dumbest guy I dated Seven talk a big game 'til you're naked Only six seconds and I had to fake it Five you're toxic four can't trust you Three you still got mommy issues Two years...
So I never forget all the things I hate about you Ten you're selfish nine you're jaded Eight the dumbest guy I dated Seven talk a big game 'til you're naked Only six seconds and I had to fake it Five you're toxic four can't trust you Three you still got mommy issues Two years...
Leah Kate《10 Things I Hate About You》MV在线看!Leah Kate 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
10 Things I Hate About You的直译为《我讨厌你的十件事》,但更常见的意译为《恋爱刺客》或《十诫初恋》。这个标题在表达上既保留了原句的基本含义,又通过意译方式使其更符合中文表达习惯,更易于被中文读者理解和接受。这部电影或书籍的名字“10 Things I Hate About You”通常被解读为一位青少年...
Leah Kate - 10 Things I Hate About You
10 Things I Hate About You - Leah Kate Lyrics by:Mike Wise/Leah Kalmenson/Madi Yanofski Composed by:Mike Wise/Leah Kate/Madi Yanofski Produced by:Mike Wise I caught you cheatin' You had the nerve to say you're sleepin' Just not with her but tell your friends that I'll be lost wit...
---《10 Things I Hate About You》 “我讨厌你和我说话的样子,讨厌你剪头发的方式。 我讨厌你开我的车,讨厌你那盯着我的眼神。 我讨厌你那双又笨又大的军靴,也讨厌你总能看穿我的心思。 我恨你恨得让我恶心,甚至让我不得不押韵。 我讨厌,我讨厌你总是对的样子。我讨厌你撒谎。
10 Things I Hate About You 8.8 I Want You to Want Me 9.4 King of California(Original Motion P... 8.3 Uptown Girls 6.9 Stand (The Voice Performance) - Si... 7.3 Don't Cha Wanna Ride 7.4 When Harry Met Sally 8.3 Gosford Park: Original Motion Pictu... 8.6 The Imaginarium...
10 Things I Hate About YouI hate the way you talk to me,And the way you cut your hair.I hate the way you drive my car,I hate it when you stare.I hate your big dumb combat bootsAnd the way you read my mind.I hate you so much it makes me sick,it even makes me rhyme.I ...
I hate your big dumb combat bootsAnd the way you read my mind.我恨你笨重的陆战靴,也恨你猜透我的心思。I hate you so much it makes me sick,it even makes me rhyme.我恨你,恨到恶心,恨到押韵。I hate the way you're always right,I hate it when you lie.我恨你总是对的,我恨你对我...