TEN THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU written by Karen McCullah Lutz & Kirsten Smith based on 'Taming of the Shrew" by William Shakespeare Revision November 12, 1997 PADUA HIGH SCHOOL - DAY Welcome to Padua High School,, your typical urban-suburban high school in Portland, Oregon. Smarties, Skids,...
《我恨你的十件事 对面恶女看过来 10 Things I Hate About You》英中字幕 热度: 利用Plus 95为Windows 95“化妆” 热度: TENTHINGSIHATEABOUTYOU writtenbyKarenMcCullahLutz&KirstenSmith basedon'TamingoftheShrew"byWilliamShakespeare RevisionNovember12,1997 ...
Generally, if a movie has anything at all to do with Shakespeare, I'm out the door. I'm not a fan of West Side Story, never liked Romeo & Juliet, and, despite my love for all things Joss Whedon, couldn't bring myself to see Much Ado About Nothing…
10 Things I Hate About You: Directed by Gil Junger. With Heath Ledger, Julia Stiles, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Larisa Oleynik. A high-school boy, Cameron, cannot date Bianca until her anti-social older sister, Kat, has a boyfriend. So, Cameron pays a mysteri
The language barrier that can make Shakespeare's drama seem remote and impenetrable to pupils...Friedman, Michael D.Johns Hopkins University PressShakespeare BulletinFriedman, Michael. "The Feminist as Shrew in 10 Things I Hate About You." Shakespeare Bulletin 22.2 (2004): 45-66. Galenet. Web...
10 Things I Hate About You And The Taming Of The Shrew Hello and welcome respected audience of the Shakespeare Society. I would like to start today by thanking you for allowing me to speak on the topic of how the stereotypical roles of women have changed and evolved in a positive manner ...
10 Things I Hate About You: Gil Junger द्वारा निर्देशित. Heath Ledger, Julia Stiles, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Larisa Oleynik के साथ. हाई स्कूल का कैमरन,
When 10 Things I Hate About You was released in 1999, no one could have predicted that 25 years later the film would still be fondly remembered as one the best modern-day adaptations of a Shakespeare play. Loosely based on The Taming of the Shrew, the story of a loveable rogue softening...
[美剧] 对面的恶女看过来/10 Things I Hate About You 全集第1季第1集剧本完整版 剧本 台词 字幕 笔记 中英文对照 纯英文 学英语 文本 PDF 文档 电子版 纸质版 《对面的恶女看过来》是一部青春校园喜剧,根据1999年Heath Ledger、Julia Stiles、Joseph Gordon-Levitt主演的同名电影改编。Stratford家两个姐妹有截...
又名10 Things I Hate About You 编 剧卡伦·麦卡拉·劳特斯克尔斯滕·史密斯 主 演希斯·莱杰朱丽娅·斯蒂尔斯约瑟夫·高登-莱维特拉丽莎·奥蕾尼克大卫·克鲁霍尔特兹 剧情 史塞福家两个姐妹有截然不同的性格,她们唯一共同之处就是她们是全校唯二没有约会的女生。史家老爸有条苛刻的规定,妹妹毕安卡(赖瑞莎欧蕾尼可饰...