求助投稿时编辑说Author agreement (has to be uploaded as an extra file). The author agreement form for this journal with all author signatures is required. Please use the attached author agreement statement.是需要我们作者手写的签名么?麻烦问下要怎么弄啊?附件是个PDF文件...
Author Agreement Submission of work requires that the piece to be reviewed has not been previously published. Upon acceptance, the Author assigns to the Journal of the Saudi Chemical Society (JSCS) the right to publish and distribute the manuscript in part or in its entirety. The Author's name...
小木虫,学术科研互动社区,为中国学术科研免费提供动力 违规贴举报删除请发送邮件至:xiaomuchong@tal.com 广告投放与宣传请联系 李想 QQ:64901448 微信:18510626021 邮箱:64901448@qq.comCopyright © 2001-2024 MuChong.com, All Rights Reserved. 小木虫 版权所有 京...
phytomedicine中要求的author agreementphytomedicine中要求的author agreement 《Phytomedicine》作者协议内容解析及解释 引言: Phytomedicine(草药医学)作为国际上著名的医学期刊,对于发表的论文要求作者遵守一些特定的规定和要求。为了提供更好的指导,本文将以《Phytomedicine》要求的作者协议为主题,一步一步回答该协议的内容。
Sign where necessary and ensure that the information is correct.It is sufficient for one author to sign the copyright agreement for articles with multiple authors. 扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得 答案解析 查看更多优质解析 解答一 举报 在必要的地方签字,并确保信息准确.对于多作者论文,其中一位作者签署...
public static AgreementSummary.Author valueOf(String name) Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.) Parameters: name - th...