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Author Agreement Submission of work requires that the piece to be reviewed has not been previously published. Upon acceptance, the Author assigns to the Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences (AJMSC) the right to publish and distribute the manuscript in part or in its entirety. The Author's name...
JSCS Elsevier Author Agreement1 Author Agreement Submission of work requires that the piece to be reviewed has not been previously published. Upon acceptance, the Author assigns to the Journal of the Saudi Chemical Society (JSCS) the right to publish and distribute the manuscript in part or in ...
内容提示: Author Agreement Submission of work requires that the piece to be reviewed has not been previously published. Upon acceptance, the Author assigns to the Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences (AJMSC) the right to publish and distribute the manuscript in part or in its entirety. The ...
We would like to draw the attention of the Editor to the following publications of one or more of us that refer to aspects of the manuscript presently being submitted. Where relevant copies of such publications are attached.We confirm that the manuscript has been read and approved ...
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