公司Ceph 集群从 v12 升级到 v14 后,今天某个 CephFS 的集群收到一个HEALTH_WARN的告警,具体的 Warning 的信息为 1 pools have many more objects per pg than average。 很明显就是 pg 数目设置的过少,导致有些 pg 里的对象过多,估计是超过了默认的一个 Limit,所以产生了 Warning 的信息,解决的方法很...
metr have been ics applied for a measured object aom_process_cp Used CPU Number of CPU ≥ 0 Cores u_used_core Cores cores used by a measured object aom_process_cp CPU CPU usage of a 0–100 % u_usage Usage measured object Percentage of the ...
While many perl developers have come from other languages, and can use their prior knowledge where appropriate, there are many other people who might benefit from a few perl specific pointers. If you want the condensed version, perhaps the best advice comes from the renowned Japanese Samurai, ...
--delete-after Perform deletes AFTER new uploads when delete-removed is enabled [sync] --delay-updates *OBSOLETE* Put all updated files into place at end [sync] --max-delete=NUM Do not delete more than NUM files. [del] and [sync] --limit=NUM Limit number of objects returned in the ...
PG中的主OSD将对象写入到硬盘 主OSD将数据同步到备份OSD,并等待备份OSD返回确认 主OSD将写入完成返回给客户端。 说明: Pool:存储池、分区,存储池的大小取决于底层的存储空间。 PG(placement group):一个pool内部可以有多个PG存在,Pool和PG都是抽象的逻辑概念,一个pool中有多少个PG可以通过公式计算。
osd pool default pg num = 64 osd pool default pgp num = 64 osd crush chooseleaf type = 1 osd_mkfs_type = xfs max mds = 5 mds max file size = 100000000000000 mds cache size = 1000000 mon osd down out interval = 900 [mon]
dhcpd-pools ISC dhcpd lease analysis and reporting dhcp-forwarder DHCP relay agent dhcp-server Provides the ISC DHCP server dhex Ncurses based hexadecimal editor with a diff mode dh-make Tool that converts source archives into Debian package source dia Diagram drawing program dialog A utility for...
ceph集群部署好之后,要先创建存储池才能向ceph写入数据,文件在向ceph保存之前要先进行一致性hash计算,计算后会把文件保存在某个对应的PG中,此文件一定属于某个pool的一个PG,在通过PG保存在OSD上。数据对象在写到主OSD之后再同步到从OSD以实现数据的高可用。三、部署ceph集群 ...
1. 使用普通用户挂载cephfs(可以通过secret或者secretfile的形式多主机同时挂载) 客户端挂载有两种方式,一是内核空间,一是用户空间,内核空间挂载需要内核...
PG(placement group):一个pool内部可以有多个PG存在,Pool和PG都是抽象的逻辑概念,一个pool中有多少个PG可以通过公式计算。 OSD(Object storage Daemon,对象存储设备):每一块磁盘都是一个osd,一个主机由一个或多个osd组成。 ceph集群部署好之后,要先创建存储池才能向ceph写入数据,文件在向ceph保存之前要先进行一致...