pg.Pool不是构造函数 ,它是一个用于管理和维护PostgreSQL数据库连接池的对象。在Node.js中,pg是一个流行的PostgreSQL数据库驱动程序,而pg.Pool是该驱动程序提供的一个重要组件。 pg.Pool的作用是通过维护一个连接池来提高数据库连接的效率和性能。连接池是一组预先创建的数据库连接,这些连接可以被重复使用,而不需要...
pg_md5-p -m -u pg_check pool_passwd chown-R postgres:postgres /usr/local/pgpool/ ###修改配置文件pgpool.conf listen_addresses ='*'port=9999pcp_listen_addresses='*'pcp_port=9898backend_hostname0='' #主库IPbackend_port0=5432backend_weight0=1backend_data_directory0='/pgdata/...
varPool =require('pg-pool')// by default the pool uses the same// configuration as whatever `pg` version you have installedvarpool =newPool()// you can pass properties to the pool// these properties are passed unchanged to both the node-postgres Client constructor// and the node-pool ...
pg_md5 --md5auth --username=pgpool pgpool@123 完成配置后,执行服务启动语句即可启动pg_pool。 systemctl start pgpool-II-11.service 启动服务后,可通过 systemctl status pgpool-II-11.service 看到服务的启动情况。 PG-Pool-II 读写分离测试 通过pgbench 通过pgpool 对数据库进行基础数据灌数。 /usr/pgsql...
pg.Pool new Pool newPool(config: Config) Constructs a new pool instance. The pool is initially created empty and will create new clients lazily as they are needed. Every field of theconfigobject is entirely optional. The config passed to the pool is also passed to every client instance with...
【nodejs】【pgsql】pg-pool封装 核心参考网站: Pool = require('pg-pool');const config = { user: 'postgres', password: 'XXXX', host: '121.5.xx.xx', port: 5432, database: 'postgres', // ssl: true, max: 20, // set pool. nodejs ...
【nodejs】【pgsql】pg-pool封装 1.pgsql-pool.js const Pool = require('pg-pool'); const config = { user: 'postgres', password: 'XXXX', host: '121.5.xx.xx', port: 5432, database: 'postgres', // ssl: true, max: 20, // set pool max size to 20...
PG, Pool之间的一些数量关系 先说一下我的环境: Ceph cluster中包含6台OSD节点 (osd.0 - 5), 一共有10个Pool (0 - 9), 这些Pool共享了144个PG (这个数字是所有Pool的PG_SIZE相加, 并不是通过ceph osd pool create POOLNAME PG_SIZE指定的!), 文件拷贝数量等于2 (osd_pool_default_size = 2)...
npm install pg-pool-minimal Usage Initialization letpool=newPostgres({user:'postgres',host:'',port:5432,database:'template1',schema:'public',socket:'/var/run/postgresql/',password:'',threads:10,queueSize:257594,escapeChar:'\\',valuesOnly:false,parseInt8AsString:false});