I'm from Ningbo, a coastal city located in the east of Zhejiang Province, which is famous for its seafood. 这样的回答会显得比较得体,如果老外在你家乡问你Where are you from?这个时候就要注意了,不要回答I'm from XXX.因为from表示来自的意思,会有一种离开感,不适合这种场景,你可以这样回答: I'm ...
雅思口语问whereareyoufrom?我要是情况复杂 怎么回答好? 今天雅思小编要解答一位国际友人烤鸭童鞋的问题 , 问题大致如下: 我过几周就要参加雅思考试了。目前,我居住在美国,但是我的origincountry(原来的国家)是另一个, 我目前一直是拿着美国的签证在美国待了几年了。 我的问题就是如果在雅思口语考试中,考官问道...
1.Where are you from怎么回答 雅思口语where are you from,关于“whereareyoufrom” 的正确回答方,一定要看完,不要忘记点赞哦! 在这,我们一起来看看有关雅思口语的三大评分标准:fluency&coherence流利度与连贯性词汇是雅思考试的基础,也就是说,你的表达要有逻辑性。fluencyandcoherence流利度与连贯性词汇在这四...
I'm from Ningbo, a coastal city located in the east of Zhejiang Province, which is famous for its seafood. 这样的回答会显得比较得体,如果老外在你家乡问你Where are you from?这个时候就要注意了,不要回答I'm from XXX.因为from表示来自的意思,会有一种离开感,不适合这种场景,你可以这样回答: I'm ...
what special food can you eat? What can I do there? etc. 明白考官的心意,你同样可以怼回去! E.g. I was born and grew up in Wuhan . It’s a fairly big city, but it’s not too big.There are many places for fun.You can take a riverboat tour and see the night views of the cit...
【口语答题技巧】关于“Where are you from”的正确回答方式 û收藏 1 评论 ñ2 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...ø 求交往 查看更多 a 1233关注 2.9万粉丝 14598微博 微关系 他的关注(1214) 沫笑君 紫紫的后花园 幽默大咖馆 ...
在雅思口语中,其实也非常需要掌握同义词替换,比方说在上海考试的北京考生,如果考官问 where are you from? 考生可以回答 I’m local.这就是 I was born in BeiJing 的同义转换,是不是前者表示的更地道些❓ 在雅思写作中,相信大家在写作课上,写作文的时候 ,老师都会提醒,同一个词不要出现多次 ...
4 When was the last time you were in a crowded place? I recently found myself in a bustling place during a local festival, enjoying the lively atmosphere and diverse activities. It was a temple fair – and they are always more exciting when they’re busy. ...
Q2:Why did you choose to study there? In addition to theimpressive academicreputation of thisinstitution, I decided to study there because it is close to my house. Most of my classes are given in a building that is approximately ten minutes’ walk from my house. What’s more, the facilit...
What other job do you think you would enjoy, apart from...? 25800:39 Is it easy to find work doing your job? 20100:24 Would you say your job is very important? 19000:31 Is that a popular choice of career in your country? 22700:31 What job do you do? 21200:24 What are you go...