Where are you from?这是没有问题的,但是这种教科书的式的询问方法会显得很僵硬,我们需要改变一下,让我们的询问变得委婉礼貌。比如像: How old are you? 我们可以给他添加前缀,变成:I'd like to know how old you are. 因此,对于Where are you from?我们也可以添加前缀,把它转换为: Could you please tel...
雅思口语问whereareyoufrom?我要是情况复杂 怎么回答好? 今天雅思小编要解答一位国际友人烤鸭童鞋的问题 , 问题大致如下: 我过几周就要参加雅思考试了。目前,我居住在美国,但是我的origincountry(原来的国家)是另一个, 我目前一直是拿着美国的签证在美国待了几年了。 我的问题就是如果在雅思口语考试中,考官问道...
1.Where are you from怎么回答 雅思口语where are you from,关于“whereareyoufrom” 的正确回答方,一定要看完,不要忘记点赞哦! 在这,我们一起来看看有关雅思口语的三大评分标准:fluency&coherence流利度与连贯性词汇是雅思考试的基础,也就是说,你的表达要有逻辑性。fluencyandcoherence流利度与连贯性词汇在这四...
Where are you from?这是没有问题的,但是这种教科书的式的询问方法会显得很僵硬,我们需要改变一下,让我们的询问变得委婉礼貌。比如像: How old are you? 我们可以给他添加前缀,变成:I'd like to know how old you are. 因此,对于Where are you from?我们也可以添加前缀,把它转换为: Could you please tel...
what special food can you eat? What can I do there? etc. 明白考官的心意,你同样可以怼回去! E.g. I was born and grew up in Wuhan . It’s a fairly big city, but it’s not too big.There are many places for fun.You can take a riverboat tour and see the night views of the cit...
【口语答题技巧】关于“Where are you from”的正确回答方式 û收藏 1 评论 ñ2 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...ø 求交往 查看更多 a 1233关注 2.9万粉丝 14598微博 微关系 他的关注(1214) 沫笑君 紫紫的后花园 幽默大咖馆 ...
在雅思口语中,其实也非常需要掌握同义词替换,比方说在上海考试的北京考生,如果考官问 where are you from? 考生可以回答 I’m local.这就是 I was born in BeiJing 的同义转换,是不是前者表示的更地道些❓ 在雅思写作中,相信大家在写作课上,写作文的时候 ,老师都会提醒,同一个词不要出现多次 ...
1 Is the city where you live crowded? The city I reside in is consistently buzzing with activity, and there are lots of crowded areas. Some areas are crowded in a way that really bugs me – like subway stations and malls. But there are also some cool crowded places like clubs and rest...
Where you live Which town or city do you live in? Are you going to move in the near future? Do you live in a house or an apartment? Do you plan to live there for a long time? What can you see from your window of your flat or your house?
What other job do you think you would enjoy, apart from...? 25800:39 Is it easy to find work doing your job? 20100:24 Would you say your job is very important? 19000:31 Is that a popular choice of career in your country? 22700:31 What job do you do? 21200:24 What are you go...