Really I went there on holiday last year lovely so you're looking for a three-bedroom house. How about a flat? Would that be okay? Yes that would be fine too, but if the rents are roughly the same we'd prefer a house with a Small garden just somewhere where we can sit outside i...
雅思备考2024创建的收藏夹雅思内容:【B站最全IELTS合集】历年剑桥雅思A类听力真题 | 原文&中英字幕,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
雅思9测试一真题听力原文.pdf,Good evening.Kings Restaurant. Good evening.Im ringing about the job I understand you have vacant. Oh yes. Id like to find out a few more details,if i may. Yes,of course.Can i take your name? Its Peter Chin. Okay Peter.Well,if
4、ep it pretty fixed so that, that students get to know the pattern.We leave at eight-thirty a.m. and return at six p.m.We figure it ' s best to keep the day fairly short.Oh yes. And how do we reserve a place?You sign your name on the notice board. Do you know where it...
【剑桥雅思】剑18听力原文!附:真题PDF+音频MP3 | 雅思资料分享发布于 2023-06-14 17:40・IP 属地湖南 · 1299 次播放 雅思阅读IELTS(雅思)雅思备考雅思雅思学习新东方•剑桥雅思官方真题集(书籍) 反应 求!!! 2024-06-14 · 海南 Zara Lisa 求听力文本 2024-11-25 · 海南...
首先,我们来看一道对话题目的雅思听力原文及答案解析。 原文: A: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest post office? B: Sure, the post office is just around the corner. Go straight for about 200 meters and you will see it on your left. It's a white building with a...
雅思剑桥真题4听力Test1原文Word版 --- 传播优秀Word版文档,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除! C4T1S1 Good morning. Good morning. How can I help you? I understand that the school organizes trips to different…… Yes, we run five every month: three during weekends and two Wednesday afternoon trips....
剑4 test 1 Section 1雅思听力原文 notes on social programme 剑桥雅思4 test 1 Section 2听力原文 Riverside Industrial village 剑桥雅思4 test 1 Section 3听力原文 剑桥雅思4 test 1 Section 4听力原文 the urban landscape 剑桥雅思4听力Test2
梵星枫湚创建的收藏夹雅思内容:【B站最全IELTS合集】历年剑桥雅思A类听力真题 | 原文&中英字幕,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览