实用文档C4T1S1Good morning.Good morning. How can I help youI un dersta nd that the school orga ni zes trips to differe ntYes
雅思剑桥真题 4 听力 Test1 原文 --- C4T1S1 Good morning. Good morning. How can I help you? I understand that the school organizes trips to different…… Yes, we run five every month: three during weekends and two Wednesday afternoon trips. What sort of places? Well, obviously it varies...
Oh, Peter, there you are. You've been ages. What kept you so long? 噢,Peter,原来你在这儿啊。已经过了很长时间了。什么事情耽搁了?
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1.剑桥雅思真题15test4答案 剑桥雅思真题15test4答案,剑桥雅思15test4part4雅思听力原文与答案howtheindustr s.however,weathersandparesease?what’sthesedicticeisnevernment.在这里,我们不得不提到一个非常主观的问题,就是雅思听力中的每个section都涉及到一些常见的问题。雅思听力中常见的题型有:填空题、选择题、判...
1.雅思真题4test2听力题目 雅思真题4test2听力题目,剑桥14test4雅思听力原文题目及答案情况。这是最常见的考题,也是最常见的考题了,因此,考试的时候一定要注意听写。雅思听力考试的时候,很多考生会因为单词量比较少,而听的时候容易走神,因此,建议大家多做真题,把剑12听力原文中的词汇和语法都记下来,然后再听一遍听写...
Finally in this short talk, I would like to say a little about the challenges facing farmers in the next...