墓葬形制跟从于地上建筑的发展而变化,随葬品的设置逐渐向人们的生活情趣靠拢,葬具的变化表现了古人灵魂信仰的松驰。2. It had the characteristics of high and great grave mounds,numerous coordinated buildings,various kinds of coffin chambers and multitudinous funerary objects. 在中国古代丧葬史上,汉代的厚葬...
将“随葬品"自动翻译成 英文 错误 Glosbe Translate 错误 Google Translate 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“随葬品"翻译成 英文 土著人遗骸及相关随葬品和文字资料应当以文化上恰当的方式归还给土著人后代或维护者。 Indigenous human remains and associated funerary objectsand documentationshall be returned to th...
根据埃及考古发掘材料,埃及前王朝时代已出现成人葬和幼儿葬、随葬品以及埋葬方向等习俗。 4. Discussion on funeral Ceramics from Wu Tombs; 长江中下游孙吴墓非模型陶瓷随葬品探析 5. Reflections on Huchang Han Tombs in Yangzhou; 扬州胡场汉墓群随葬品所反映的几个问题 ...
Argos catalogues, violins and Chinese takeaways might sound like they have nothing in common, but these items are actually among the list of unusual items Britons have asked to be buried with, according to a new survey. 阿格斯百货商品目录、小提琴、中式外卖这些东西听起来似乎毫无共同之处。但一项...
墓葬形制跟从于地上建筑的发展而变化,随葬品的设置逐渐向人们的生活情趣靠拢,葬具的变化表现了古人灵魂信仰的松驰。 2. It had the characteristics of high and great grave mounds,numerous coordinated buildings,various kinds of coffin chambers and multitudinous funerary objects. 在中国古代丧葬史上,汉代的厚...