随葬品1. The form of grave changed according to the development of ground buildings,the arrangement of funerary objects gradually accorded to human s life taste and the change of funerary utensils indicates ancient people s weakening relief on the soul. 墓葬形制跟从于地上建筑的发展而变化,随葬...
在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“随葬品"翻译成 英文 土著人遗骸及相关随葬品和文字资料应当以文化上恰当的方式归还给土著人后代或维护者。 Indigenous human remains and associated funerary objectsand documentationshall be returned to their descendants, or custodians, as may be appropriate, in a culturally appropriat...
从墓葬形制、随葬品、葬具看中国古代墓葬的演进 2. A study of plastination for the bones and burial articles from the ancient tombs of ming dynasty; 明代古墓骨骸及随葬品塑化保存研究 3. The burial customs, such as the interment of adults and infants, the grave-goods and the burial orientation ...
Others choose items specifically to make people laugh such as a Chinese takeaway, it can be a real talking point for those left behind.” “有时候,随葬品对于逝者来说是饱含感情的,比如情书、照片和结婚戒指。但还有些人会选择一些特别喜感的东西随葬,比如中餐外卖——这个‘随葬品’可够活着的人谈论半...
随葬品 1. The form of grave changed according to the development of ground buildings,the arrangement of funerary objects gradually accorded to human s life taste and the change of funerary utensils indicates ancient people s weakening relief on the soul. 墓葬形制跟从于地上建筑的发展而变化,随葬...