traits = { air_chief_old_guard } ai_will_do = { factor = 1 } } } navy_chief = { #Communist CHI_xiao_jinguang = { picture = generic_navy_asia_1 allowed = { original_tag = CHI } traits = { navy_chief_commerce_raiding_2 } ai_will_do = { factor = 1 } } #Clique CHI_bai...
数值越大越倾向吧,英国AI每次我给它点完蒙哥马利理论家,它都要等150政治点换回亚历山大,好像就是因为亚历山大的factor是15,比蒙哥马利高 来自iPhone客户端5楼2019-10-21 18:14 收起回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示10...
1: COMMON-UNITS-EQUIPMENT- 以airframe结尾的TXT文件-找到OIL等消耗资源的选项,在数字后面加两个零 作用:陆战海战 无飞机2: common\technologies\naval.txt 里的ai_will_do = factor = 1 改成factor = 0 作用:不研究航母只要2个都修改 玩到2000年都不会卡实测和分辨率以及特效电脑配置并无关系 另外1.4.0...
《Родина-ГошаКуценкоиДмитрийДюжев》 02:52 【TNO/AI俾斯麦】勘察加红海军-军舰是个大家庭《Экипаж - однасемья》 03:00 【碧蓝航线/AI俾斯麦】乐意效劳《はいよろこんで》 02:41 【补档/AI俾斯麦】铁血第一巴图鲁《春庭雪》 03:59 【碧蓝航线/AI...
} } } } } ai_will_do = { factor = 1 } # 让AI只要可能
- ai will be more reluctant to create collaborations if it already has some - 如果AI已经建立一定数量的合作政府的话,那么它就更不愿意再建立合作政府。 - GER now will try to put more armor to low countries instead of france border - 德国现在会将更多的装甲部队部署在低地三国而不是法国边境。
关于MOD修改的小建..在Hearts of Iron IV\common\technologies下的科技树有个点原子弹的要求,有一个东西叫ai_will_do我想把它改成工厂要求200估计就很历史了 @独裁的统一战线
t want to control them, or if AI wants to fight in a theatre and thinks the receiving player will do a better job. They can be handed over and returned at any time. Disbanding an expeditionary division has the effect of returning it. AI will often ship them as well if it has ...
Useful if you have no units in an area, but an ally in your faction does. Then you could draw a plan there and tell them what to do. AI will prefer picking troops close to the plan if they can. 这项功能在玩家在某个地区没有部队但盟友部署了部队时非常有用。然后玩家便可以在该地区制定...