求助,unable ..DLC是凝聚力的吗,如果是的话,把steam_api64.dll删了,验证完整性,然后把新出现的steam_api64.dll改为steam_api64_o.dll,然后再把你的凝聚力DLC文件夹里的
然而点击dowser(启动器)的时候,却出现 “Error:unable to locate the configuration file”然后我就把补丁,dlc打了,还用launcher-installer-windows.msi把启动器修复、删除重装,一通操作下来,启动器能打开了,然而这时hoi4.exe怎么点都没反应,运行启动器后还会提示“steam运行时通讯错误”点启动游戏会直接启动失败(注:...
Using thenudgercan make the map editing much easier, but the tool is still unstable. At times it can be better to do manual editing, but the nudge is still important to know of and use. Thenudgerwill export files in theUser directorydirectly, such as theDocuments/Paradox Interactive/Hearts...
此页面正在由 霜泽图书馆 翻译中 Modding, or creating mods, is the act of modifying the behavior of the base game (often referred to as vanilla), either for personal use, or to release publicly for other players, for instance - via the Steam W
不更新启动器会有什么..正版本体学习版dlc,最近每隔20来天就显示“unable to locate the configuration file”,我就得卸了重装,装一次就dlc失效,然后重新破解。那么我让启动器一直在旧
不更新启动器会有什么影响吗正版本体学习版dlc,最近每隔20来天就显示“unable to locate the configuration file”,我就得卸了重装,装一次就dlc失效,然后重新破解。那么我让启动器一直在旧版本是否可行 分享3赞 钢铁雄心4吧 gkmmmm🔯 钢铁雄心4启动不了,求大佬进来看看点了启动器的play后,游戏界面就一直没出来,...
不更新启动器会有什么影响吗正版本体学习版dlc,最近每隔20来天就显示“unable to locate the configuration file”,我就得卸了重装,装一次就dlc失效,然后重新破解。那么我让启动器一直在旧版本是否可行 分享3赞 钢铁雄心4吧 man_jian 启动器更新失败如何解决?如图,挂了加速器也没用.. 分享99 钢铁雄心4吧 你说...
Dealing with unintuitive errors where the location is not specified, such asInvalid Decision Category, where this can be used to locatewhichfile is throwing the error. Finding out what can cause a certain occurance to happen, such what fires a certain event or what sets a certain cosmetic tag...
这个咋解决啊..unable to locate the configuration file
打开游戏本地文件安装后的bootstrapper-v2文件直接运行启动器 启动器成功打开 至于怎么从steam直接运行还是等大佬出手吧 143556 钢铁雄心4吧 掉线君1224 新手做mod遇到问题 请教下吧友们之前发帖被度娘删了 情况楼下说 分享393 钢铁雄心4吧 Panta88 这个咋解决啊unable to locate the configuration file 分享273 钢铁...