aCamel Carlsberg's distinctive emblem. Today, just over 100 years since its launching, back in 1904, the Carlsberg logo landed a design prize offered by the Danish Design Center. It's for the first time in history that a classic graphic design receives a prize. 骆驼Carlsberg的特别象征。 今...
沪江词库精选重蹈覆辙英文怎么写及英语单词、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 [Literal Meaning] again/tread/turn over/rutto follow the same disastrous road to ruin[解释] 不吸取教训,再走失败的老路。[Explanation] to learn nothing from past failures and make the same mistake[例子] 这次我们应该好好计划,...
重蹈覆辙 / chong dao fu zhe / chong dao fu zhe follow the same old disastrous road; to recommit the same error; to repeat a failure 生辰测算手机吉凶2025年运势一生财运 性别: 男女 生日: 立即测试》 立即测试 立即测试 立即测试
重蹈覆辙的英文: [Literal Meaning] again/tread/turn over/rut to follow the same disastrous road to ruin [解释] 不吸取教训,再走失败的老路。 [Explanation] to learn nothing from past failures and make the same mistake [例子] 这次我们应该好好计划,小心谨慎,避免重蹈覆辙。
“重蹈覆辙”,字面意思是“重新走上翻过车的老路( follow the tracks of an overturned cart)”,“辙”表示“车轮辗过的痕迹( the track of a wheel)”。比喻不吸取教训,再走失败的老路,可以翻译为“recommit the same error”,“follow the same olddisastrous1road”。常用于劝说、希望和警告的场合。
亲子英文|5天学会日常表达 by:且听曦语 3131 看原版书学地道表达(英文短语) by:金牌托福助教 3041 中美文化差异及穿插地道英文表达 by:AmyTrilinguist爱三语 1.9万 表达与沟通:精准表达 by:社科书甄选 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 声音主播 ...
重蹈覆辙的英文单词 你好,这个说法有很多,给出以下几种,楼主依据喜欢自行选择:1,follow the tracks of;(follow有继续、衍习的意思,相当于重蹈,tracks是欺骗,陷阱,可当做覆辙)2,fall into a rut(fall译为陷入,等同于重蹈,rut译为惯例,老规矩,相当于覆辙)3
ACT-Acyl-CoA Thioester化的英文缩写-单词Acyl-CoA Thioester Hydrolase-英语翻译 c.o.-转下页的英文缩写-单词carried over-英语翻译 CO-一氧化碳的英文缩写-单词Carbon Monoxide-英语翻译 CO-面向连接的的英文缩写-单词Connection-Oriented-英语翻译 CO-出于良心或道德上的原因而拒服兵役者的英文缩写-单词Conscientious...