补发工资用英语怎么说 沪江词库精选补发工资用英语怎么说、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 【法】 retroactivity of payments 翻译推荐 补发supply 补发工资retroactiv 补发的增加工资retroactiv 补发拖欠的养老金Clear 互补发射极输出器complement 补发拖欠的离退休人员统筹项目内的养老金back...
Back pay。“补发工资”在英文中通常被翻译为“Back pay”。这个词组直接而明确地表达了“补发”或“补领工资”的含义。在日常交流或正式文件中,使用这一英文表达是较为恰当的。具体来说,“补发工资”是指因某种原因,如系统故障、计算错误或延迟...
补发工资 [词典] [法] retroactivity of payments; [例句]2002年,俄勒冈州联邦陪审团发现沃尔玛员工被迫延时工作,并裁定沃尔玛向83名员工补发... 热门单词:“电子港澳通行证”用英文怎么说 “电子港澳通行证”用英文:Electronic Hong Kong and Macao pass 一英语词汇_3.8女神节_心仪好物低价疯抢 3.8女神节,上淘宝...
如果要强调补发是针对过去的欠款,可以使用 "Pay retroactively for the wages due in November", 这个短语传达了补发工资的补救性质。最后,"Back pay for the wages not issued in November" 也是一个常见的用法,它直白地指出了需要将未发放的工资追偿给员工。总结来说,补发十一月份工资的英文表述可...
[词典] [法] retroactivity of payments;[例句]2002年,俄勒冈州联邦陪审团发现沃尔玛员工被迫延时工作,并裁定沃尔玛向83名员工补发工资。In 2002, a federal jury in Oregon found Walmart employees were forced to work off the clock and awarded back pay to 83 workers....
When it comes to translating the popular term "补发工资" into English, the phrase you might use is "retroactive payment." This term refers to the act of compensating an individual for unpaid work that was performed in the past, typically in situations where employees were not ...
补发工资 【法】 retroactivity of payments参考例句 This object has been photographed at a magnification of 3, ie three times actual size 此物体拍照时已放大了叁倍 Normally, the brain does not interpret tile phosphene patterns as identifiable objects 正常情况下,脑不能把磷苯图像转化成可识别的物像。
补发工资 中文补发工资 英文【法】 retroactivity of payments
英语新闻词汇:“补发工资”用英文怎么说? 近日一则老师患癌后被学校开除的新闻在网上被炒得沸沸扬扬,这名患癌女教师在去世前为了维持生计,强忍病痛去摆摊卖衣服。开除事件被披露出来后,涉事学校——兰州交大博文学院遭到了舆论的强烈谴责,校方迫于舆论压力,到女教师刘伶利家登门致歉,并向刘伶利家属补发工资57600元,...