莫泊桑 THE DIAMOND NECKLACE Guy de Maupassant THE DIAMOND NECKLACE Guy de Maupassant《项链》莫泊桑 • The girl was one of those pretty and charming young creatures who sometimes are born, as if by a slip of fate, into a family of clerks. She had no dowry, no expectations, no way of ...
《项链》莫泊桑_中英文版 下载积分: 3000 内容提示: 项链莫泊桑THE DIAMOND NECKLACEGuy de Maupassant 文档格式:PPT | 页数:93 | 浏览次数:353 | 上传日期:2014-08-03 10:15:13 | 文档星级: 项链莫泊桑THE DIAMOND NECKLACEGuy de Maupassant 阅读
《项链》莫泊桑_中英文版 下载积分: 900 内容提示: THE DIAMOND NECKLACEGuy de Maupassant 文档格式:PDF | 页数:93 | 浏览次数:1000 | 上传日期:2013-01-10 09:43:36 | 文档星级: THE DIAMOND NECKLACEGuy de Maupassant 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 41 p. 2017年北华大学数学与统计学院901...
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项链maupassant中英文necklaceguydiamond 系统标签: 项链maupassant中英文necklaceguydiamond THEDIAMONDNECKLACEGuydeMaupassantTHEDIAMONDNECKLACEGuydeMaupassant《项链》莫泊桑•Thegirlwasoneofthoseprettyandcharmingyoungcreatureswhosometimesareborn,asifbyaslipoffate,intoafamilyofclerks.Shehadnodowry,noexpectations,nowayof...
项链;THE DIAMOND NECKLACE Guy de Maupassant《项链》莫泊桑;THE DIAMOND NECKLACE Guy de Maupassant《项链》莫泊桑;THE DIAMOND NECKLACE Guy de Maupassant《项链》莫泊桑;THE DIAMOND NECKLACE Guy de Maupassant《项链》莫泊桑;THE DIAMOND NECKLACE Guy de Maupassant《项链》莫泊桑;THE DIAMOND NECKLACE Guy de ...
《项链》莫泊桑_中英文版 .ppt,THE DIAMOND NECKLACE Guy de Maupassant《项链》莫泊桑 The girl was one of those pretty and charming young creatures who sometimes are born, as if by a slip of fate, into a family of clerks. She had no dowry, no expectations, n
一的资格。THEDIAMONDNECKLACEGuydeMaupassant《项链》莫泊桑??Mathilde sufferedceaselesslyfeelingherselfborntoenjoyalldelicaciesandallluxuries.Shewas distressedatthepovertyofherdwellingatthebarenessofthewallsattheshabbychairs theuglinessofthecurtains.Allthosethingsofwhichanotherwomanofherrankwould ...
莫泊桑《项链》英文版选读 (有改写) Introduction 居伊·德·莫泊桑(Henri René Albert Guy de Maupassant,1850年8月5日—1893年7月6日),19世纪后半叶法国自然主义作家,与俄国契诃夫和美国欧·亨利并称为“世界三大短篇小说巨匠”。...