Guy de Maupassant《项链》莫泊桑 • She had a friend, a former schoolmate at the convent, who was rich, and whom she did not like to go to see any more because she felt so sad when she came home. • 她有一个有钱的女朋友,是教会女校 的同学,可是她再也不想去看望她了, 因为看望回...
“亲爱的玛蒂尔德,我明天要出往旅行,”福雷斯蒂埃夫人急促地说道,“动身前,我想把这串项链作为礼物送给你,请收下。” 没等玛蒂尔德来得及说什么,福雷斯蒂埃夫人已转身离往了。
项链maupassant中英文necklaceguydiamond THEDIAMONDNECKLACEGuydeMaupassantTHEDIAMONDNECKLACEGuydeMaupassant《项链》莫泊桑•Thegirlwasoneofthoseprettyandcharmingyoungcreatureswhosometimesareborn,asifbyaslipoffate,intoafamilyofclerks.Shehadnodowry,noexpectations,nowayofbeingknown,understood,loved,marriedbyanyrichanddis...
莫泊桑《项链》英文版选读 (有改写) Introduction 居伊·德·莫泊桑(Henri René Albert Guy de Maupassant,1850年8月5日—1893年7月6日),19世纪后半叶法国自然主义作家,与俄国契诃夫和美国欧·亨利并称为“世界三大短篇小说巨匠”。...
《项链》英文版原文《项链》英文版原文 The Necklace Once upon a time, in a small village in France, there lived a young woman named Mathilde. She was a beautiful and charming lady, but she was not satisfied with her life. Mathilde dreamed of luxury and wealth, yet she was poor and ...
Guy de Maupassant《项链》莫泊桑 • She had a friend, a former schoolmate at the convent, who was rich, and whom she did not like to go to see any more because she felt so sad when she came home. • 她有一个有钱的女朋友,是教会女校 的同学,可是她再也不想去看望她了, 因为看望回...
The Necklace 《项链》(法語:La Parure)是法国作家莫泊桑创作的著名短篇小说,也是他的代表作之一,在中国家喻户晓。 故事非常简单,讲述了一位崇尚上流社会奢华生活的女子Mathilde(Mathilde),时常梦想自己拥有珠光宝气並受人羡慕,现实生活中只嫁给了一个在教育部做...
GuydeMaupassant《项链》莫泊桑 •Butoneeveningherhusbandreachedhomewithatriumphantairandholdingalargeenvelopeinhishand.•"There,"saidhe,"thereissomethingforyou.“•然而,有一天傍晚,她丈夫得意扬扬地回家来,手里拿着一个大信封。•“看呀,”他说,“这里有点东西给你。”THEDIAMONDNECKLACE Guyde...