Although nuclear power plants emit low levels of radiation into the environment, long-term exposure to low-level radiation can be a health risk. 尽管核电站向环境中排放的辐射水平较低,但长期暴露在低水平辐射下也可能对健康造成危害。 While sources of ionizing radiation are essential to modern health ...
Unit 7 - passage A: Our Picture of the Universe 翻译研究生英语读写教程(提高级)周红红第七单元A篇逐句翻译 整本书:https:哈哈哈哈//pan.哈哈哈哈bai哈哈哈哈du.哈哈哈哈com/s/哈哈哈哈1tKKChnr5XuvyKYKZCOVuOA哈哈哈哈?哈哈哈哈pwd=x7be Our Picture of the Universe 宇宙的图像 Stephen Hawking 史蒂文 ...
德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin)美国研究教授、《监视之下:在现代美国被监视》(Under Surveillance: Being Watchin Modern America)一书的作者伦道夫·刘易斯(Randolph Lewis)指出,软件使雇主能够监控员工的面部表情和语气,以衡量他们的情绪状态,如愤怒或沮丧。 Among more conventional surveillance me...
While the Austrian American economist Joseph Schumpeter is best known for his 1942paper describing his theory of "creative destruction, " the process of disrupting existingindustries through business innovation or technological change, few people know aboutanother prediction he made: He believed that inno...