2023. Due to the fastchanging pace of development, use, and harms of Generative Al, we want toacknowledge that this is an inherently dynamic paper, subject to changes inthe future.Through
CONTRIBUTIONS BY Caitriona Fitzgerald EDITED BY Calli SchroederBen Winters Grant Fergusson, Calli Schro Thank you to Sar
生成式人工智能(genAl)为解决这些挑战提供了机会,同时也创造了一些新的障碍。 -纽约地区的总体净就业预计将继续增长,到本十年结束时将增长约1.8%。虽然是积极的,但低于同期全国4.2%的净就业增长率。 -工作性质的不断演变意味着纽约地区的工作组合在未来几年可能会发生重大变化。到2030年,纽约地区可能需要多达110万次...
在未来的调查中,我们将密切关注这一领域的进展,特别是组织的专业知识、能力、有形成果,以及对生成式人工智能技术快速发展的反应。 许多领导者对他们组织的创新型人工智能专业知识充满信心。 在我们的调查受访者中,有很大比例 (44%)的人表示,他们认为自己的组织目前在生成式人工智能方面拥有很高(35%)或非常高 (9%...
IMF Staff Discussion NotesSDNsshowcase policy-related analysis and research being developed by IMF staff members and are published to elicit comments and to encourage debate.The views expressed in Staff Discussion Notes are those of the authorsand do not necessarily represent the views of the IMF,...
AI in particular generative AI is the electricity of our era,increasingly ubiquitous and spawning countless complementary innovations.Are we ready to harness the full benefits of generative AIUnlike some earlier technologies,AI requires significant changes in the economy to realize its full impact,...
德勤:2024年第一季度企业生成式人工智能应用现状报告:立足当下,谋定未来(第1份)(英文版)(34页).pdf 1、Now decides next:Insights from the leading edge of generative AI adoptionDeloittes State of Generative AI in the Enterprise Quarter one reportJanuary 2024ForewordIntroductionNow:Key findings1 ...
美国电子隐私信息中心:生成式人工智能的潜在有害影响与未来之路【英文版】.pdf 下载文档 资源简介 > 载入中...手动刷新 1/86页 载入中...手动刷新 2/86页 载入中...手动刷新 3/86页 载入中...手动刷新 4/86页 载入中... 5/86页 载入中... ...