Is there even a dragon or several dragons? I wouldn't know, I don't watch Game of Thrones. 话说剧中真的有一条或几条龙吗? 我不知道,反正我又不看《权力的游戏》。 2 开始描述 哈利波特的故事情节。 They're basically the same, right? I mean same drama, same fantasy characters, same drag... 作品翻译:我在权力的游戏西洋镜中制作了“EPIC SCENE”作品原标:I made “EPIC SCENE” in Game Of Thrones Diorama 作者:wAw Creator 翻译:你的智囊团——非专业翻译制作仅供参考...
科普:守夜人(Night's Watch) 守夜人(Night's Watch)是一个专门守卫绝境长城的军团。绝境长城是位于七大王国北方边境用来保卫王国居民的巨大的城墙。军团建立于英雄纪元时期异鬼入侵被击退之后。守夜人只穿着黑衣。 女孩去参加一场面试。毫无意外,面试官...
the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, ...
I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come. 守夜人誓词: 长夜将至,我从今开始守望,至死方休。 我将不娶妻、不封地、不生子。 我将不戴宝冠,不争荣宠。 我将尽忠职守,生死於斯。 我是黑暗中的利剑,长城上的守卫。
Where's your sense of wonder?The greatest structure ever built,the intrepid men of The Night's Watch,the wintry abode of the White Walkers. 《权力的游戏》经典台词截图:提利昂·兰尼斯特:放心,我不过是想爬上长城,对着世界的边缘撒泡尿罢了。No, I just want to stand on top of the wall and ...
I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come. 守夜人誓词: 长夜将至,我从今开始守望,至死方休。 我将不娶妻、不封地、不生子。 我将不戴宝冠,不争荣宠。 我将尽忠职守,生死於斯。 我是黑暗中的利剑,长城上的守卫。
And now our watch begins. 重逢的意义 我必须将第一部分献给这一刻。 作为一个中国人,我看奇幻时会有一种武侠的惯性: 我会喜欢侠肝义胆、侠骨柔情,喜欢一个人的成长故事。我也默认所有不幸分开的人,往往总会在江湖重逢。虽有永别,但重逢更多。世界很广袤,但也很小。
I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come. 守夜人誓词: 长夜将至,我从今开始守望,至死方休。 我将不娶妻、不封地、不生子。 我将不戴宝冠,不争荣宠。 我将尽忠职守,生死於斯。 我是黑暗中的利剑,长城上的守卫。
When he was gone, Dany went to her windowand looked out wistfully on the waters of the bay. The square brick towers ofPentos were black silhouettes outlined against the setting sun. Dany could hearthe singing of the red priests as they lit their night fires and the shouts ofragged children...