9.背景调查、从军记录、旅行历史 ◦5年内旅行历史:国家其实是从列表里选,你打英文,下面框会出来 ◦出入境其实是年月,但最后生成表格上是年月日,这个不影响 ◦Point of Entry – 如果是机场口岸,写机场的名称(比如韩国首尔仁川机场,需要写incheon international airport,而不是seoul,也不是ICN),陆路口岸也类...
停留期:The conditions of your visa: This visa expires 1 month(s) after first arrival. Stay subject to grant of entry permission. You must leave before visa expiry or face deportation. The holder shall not undertake employment in NZ. (停留期不得超过1个月,不得持签证企图打工摘奇异果或在牧场...
"This is going to be the toughest for us because our international students are hopefully at the low point in the numbers. With the prospect of the border being reopened later in the year we hope we'll start to see some recovery in international numbers but of course international student n...
9.背景调查、从军记录、旅行历史 ◦5年内旅行历史:国家其实是从列表里选,你打英文,下面框会出来 ◦出入境其实是年月,但最后生成表格上是年月日,这个不影响 ◦Point of Entry – 如果是机场口岸,写机场的名称(比如韩国首尔仁川机场,需要写incheon international airport,而不是seoul,也不是ICN),陆路口岸也类...
下面框会出来 ◦出入境其实是年月,但最后生成表格上是年月日,这个不影响 ◦Point of Entry – ...
定义:平均审理时间 三个前提:过去 3 个月的平均处理时间;免隔离旅行区的申请将被优先处理;境外绝大...
新西兰New Zealand, 首都惠灵顿Wellington,在太平洋西南部,全国由南岛、北岛两个大岛和斯图尔特岛及其附近...
停留期:The conditions of your visa: This visa expires 1 month(s) after first arrival. Stay subject to grant of entry permission. You must leave before visa expiry or face deportation. The holder shall not undertake employment in NZ. (停留期不得超过1个月,不得持签证企图打工摘奇异果或在牧场...
停留期:The conditions of your visa: This visa expires 1 month(s) after first arrival. Stay subject to grant of entry permission. You must leave before visa expiry or face deportation. The holder shall not undertake employment in NZ. (停留期不得超过1个月,不得持签证企图打工摘奇异果或在牧场...