我用老婆作为主申请人,我是副申请人申请办新西兰签证,在填写副申请人资料时,在这个页面感觉有点困惑,下面的第一个问题是Your relationship to this applicant,应该指的是问副申请人对于主申请人的关系吧?但第二个问题是问Is this additional applicant traveling with you?这里却是问主申请人问题?这里同一页面的Your...
Providedetailsofyourparents,partner/spouseand children(eveniftheyarenottravellingwithyou) 请提供您父母、配偶和子女的详细信息(即使他们不与您 一同旅行) Name(underlinefamilyname)姓名(在**下划线) Relationshiptoapplicant与申请人关系Dateofbirth出生 日期Typeofvisabeingappliedfor申请签证的种类 ...
18、1Visitor Visa Application - March 2021 13This section must be completed by the applicants immigration adviser. If the applicant does not have an immigration adviser, this section does not have to be completed.J1 If you are a licensed adviser, please provide your licence details. Licence typ...
· essential documents submitted with applications such as medicals or police certificates will not become out of date that are an additional cost to the applicant.一些签证递交基本重要的材料,如体检和无犯罪证明也不会为此而过期而产生额外不必要的费用。
to act on your behalf? Yes No B4 Have you received immigration advice on this application? You can find a definition of immigration advice at www.immigration.govt.nz/advice. Please note immigration advice does not include assisting the applicant by acting as a translator or by recording informat...
G4Is your visa application dependent on another person who is either in New Zealand or holds a visa to be in New Zealand? No Go to Section H: Financial support while you are in New Zealand. Yes Indicate the relationship with the other person. Note you must provide evidence of that ...
Wewillprocessyourapplicationonlywhenwereceivealltheinformationanddocuments weneed.Ifyoudonotsendalltherequiredinformation,wewillreturnyourapplication. 只有申请材料齐全时,我们才能够审理你的申请。如果申请材料不齐全,我们将不予受理,并 退还申请。 Youcanusethisformtoapplyforavisa/permitforasingleapplicantorforafami...